Business Merchant Account - Get One
By Joshua Feinberg
Business merchant accounts are critical to have if you want to
accept credit cards. Business merchant accounts are not limited
to those computer consultants reselling products either. They
are a good idea for any sale, especially when you are selling to
new clients.
If you have a business merchant account you will not have to
chase down outstanding debt. The cost is not that high and you
don't have to buy traditional credit card processing equipment.
Now they have what is called a lab terminal, which allows you to
use your web browser to manage the transactions. The systems are
completely secure and most business merchant account providers
team up with larger companies that offer great advantages.
Costco's Business Merchant Account
One of the biggest secrets we learned about business merchant
accounts is that Costco provides a fantastic deal on credit card
processing through Nova Systems. It's such a great deal it can
actually pay for your entire Costco membership. Here are some
All of the monthly statement and gateway fees are waived -
savings of $25 - $50 per month
Very competitive discount rates on Visa and MasterCard.
You can add on processing for American Express and Discover -
you will find that even though American Express transaction fees
are higher, it is a very popular card with small businesses.
The charges billed are transferred quickly and directly into
your business bank account - this is a lot faster than doing
your billing or invoicing once a week or so.
Paypal is a popular alternative to traditional business
merchant accounts. Paypal is very easy to set up and the set up
is free. There are restrictions though on what you can do and
how you can withdraw your money. The largest drawback is the
negative connotation of being an ebay related service where
people sell garage sale stuff as a hobby.
The Bottom Line on Business Merchant Accounts
Business merchant accounts will help you get paid faster. There
are fees involved but the customer convenience and no hassle
approach to receiving your money make it worthwhile. There are
different business merchant accounts available so do your
homework and choose the one that makes the best sense for you.
Copyright MMI-MMVI, Small Biz Tech Talk. All Worldwide Rights
Reserved. {Attention Publishers: Live hyperlink in author
resource box required for copyright compliance}
About the Author: Joshua Feinberg helps computer consultant
business owners get steady, high-paying clients. Sign-up now for
Joshua's free audio training that shows you how to use
field-tested, proven Small Biz Tech Talk tools at
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Internet Merchant Account
Internet Merchant Accounts
By []Kent Pinkerton
An Internet merchant account can help you use and accept all modes of payment, such as credit, debit, and EBT. Today, many people use credit cards and electronic checks to pay for goods. People use them everywhere, especially online. In other words, to conduct a transaction on the World Wide Web, one does need to have a credit card or a bank account.
If you are a business proprietor then you cannot operate on the Internet unless you accept these forms of payment. You need to set up a certain infrastructure to be able to accept these various forms of payments, which is where an Internet merchant account comes into play.
Processing all forms of payment is good for business since it increases a merchant's consumer base. An Internet merchant account not only allows the business owner to accept major credit cards and personal checks, but also allows them to process the payments in a risk-free, secure way. In an electronic environment, the customer can key in his or her personal and financial information via the secure network and the web pages would direct him or her through the entire sales process. The customer knows that that all the information is secure and the merchant knows that the funds will be placed in the business account shortly.
The business owner can purchase various types of “Buy it” buttons from the merchant account gateway. Once the customer clicks on the button to purchase an item, the customer is automatically shifted to the section for payment methods. Such an account can also computes taxes for each item sold as per the requirement for domestic and foreign rates for United States Mail, FedEx, and UPS.
Payment methods, tax calculations, and shipping preferences are few of the steps in the purchasing transaction that are handled automatically and quickly. By assisting the consumer and making the payment environment easy and safe to use, the merchant has provided exceptional customer service. []High Risk Merchant Accounts provides detailed information about high risk merchant accounts, high risk offshore merchant accounts and more. High Risk Merchant Accounts is affiliated with []Background Checks.
Article Source:
By []Kent Pinkerton
An Internet merchant account can help you use and accept all modes of payment, such as credit, debit, and EBT. Today, many people use credit cards and electronic checks to pay for goods. People use them everywhere, especially online. In other words, to conduct a transaction on the World Wide Web, one does need to have a credit card or a bank account.
If you are a business proprietor then you cannot operate on the Internet unless you accept these forms of payment. You need to set up a certain infrastructure to be able to accept these various forms of payments, which is where an Internet merchant account comes into play.
Processing all forms of payment is good for business since it increases a merchant's consumer base. An Internet merchant account not only allows the business owner to accept major credit cards and personal checks, but also allows them to process the payments in a risk-free, secure way. In an electronic environment, the customer can key in his or her personal and financial information via the secure network and the web pages would direct him or her through the entire sales process. The customer knows that that all the information is secure and the merchant knows that the funds will be placed in the business account shortly.
The business owner can purchase various types of “Buy it” buttons from the merchant account gateway. Once the customer clicks on the button to purchase an item, the customer is automatically shifted to the section for payment methods. Such an account can also computes taxes for each item sold as per the requirement for domestic and foreign rates for United States Mail, FedEx, and UPS.
Payment methods, tax calculations, and shipping preferences are few of the steps in the purchasing transaction that are handled automatically and quickly. By assisting the consumer and making the payment environment easy and safe to use, the merchant has provided exceptional customer service. []High Risk Merchant Accounts provides detailed information about high risk merchant accounts, high risk offshore merchant accounts and more. High Risk Merchant Accounts is affiliated with []Background Checks.
Article Source:
Friday, July 27, 2007
Internet Merchant Account
Internet Merchant Shopping Smarts
By Gloria Diaz
Need the perfect outfit or shoes for a party but don't have the
time to browse through the mall's racks? If the thought of
pushing your way through throngs of shoppers and wandering
teenagers is making your skin crawl, you know you're more likely
to pass up on the event. But why miss a potentially great party
just because you haven't got the time to shop for clothes? Fret
not. Internet merchants and online payment processors are here
to provide solutions to your shopping woes. Since shopping
through internet merchants and online payment processors is
pretty easy, whole afternoons are not wasted just trying to find
the right item. With a few clicks, dozens of purchases can be
Internet merchants and online payment processors offer
convenience, something that can't be said about regular
shopping. Since most of us want and need anything that can make
life easier, internet shopping is the way to go. Virtual
auctions and stores like Amazon, Sotheby's, and Christie's have
extensive collection of products ranging from the ordinary to
highly specialized artifacts and collectibles. Most virtual
stores have almost a limitless array of products, unlike the
mall, which run out of stocks in your size. Net shoppers can
easily canvass prices and find the best deals by hopping from
one merchant site to another minus aching feet. A woman who digs
Prada shoes, for example, can leisurely browse online catalogs
before deciding on a purchase. She can check out dozens of
virtual stores while at home or during an office break. Online
shopping is similar on-site shopping, only much better and
Wait, before you get frantic and max out your card, breathe
deeply and read on. Internet merchants and online payment
processors are not foolproof. Be very careful in doing business
with these online merchants. Payment in internet shopping is
done through online payment processors which are not entirely
secure from hackers and identity thieves. Chances exist that
clever hackers and other unscrupulous individuals can break into
your credit card account. These hackers can also use your
personal information for illegal purposes. You might just be
surprised with excessive credit card bills for items you didn't
buy and received. To add insult to injury, products sold in
virtual shops are generally more expensive. For limited and
strict budgets, on-site shopping is better. Or, you can spend
time browsing through different sites to compare prices.
Internet merchants and online payment processors are convenient
alternatives to ordinary shopping. To keep enjoying its
benefits, don't forget to be smart and be aware of the possible
About the Author: For more valuable information on Internet
Merchants and Online Payment Processors, please visit
By Gloria Diaz
Need the perfect outfit or shoes for a party but don't have the
time to browse through the mall's racks? If the thought of
pushing your way through throngs of shoppers and wandering
teenagers is making your skin crawl, you know you're more likely
to pass up on the event. But why miss a potentially great party
just because you haven't got the time to shop for clothes? Fret
not. Internet merchants and online payment processors are here
to provide solutions to your shopping woes. Since shopping
through internet merchants and online payment processors is
pretty easy, whole afternoons are not wasted just trying to find
the right item. With a few clicks, dozens of purchases can be
Internet merchants and online payment processors offer
convenience, something that can't be said about regular
shopping. Since most of us want and need anything that can make
life easier, internet shopping is the way to go. Virtual
auctions and stores like Amazon, Sotheby's, and Christie's have
extensive collection of products ranging from the ordinary to
highly specialized artifacts and collectibles. Most virtual
stores have almost a limitless array of products, unlike the
mall, which run out of stocks in your size. Net shoppers can
easily canvass prices and find the best deals by hopping from
one merchant site to another minus aching feet. A woman who digs
Prada shoes, for example, can leisurely browse online catalogs
before deciding on a purchase. She can check out dozens of
virtual stores while at home or during an office break. Online
shopping is similar on-site shopping, only much better and
Wait, before you get frantic and max out your card, breathe
deeply and read on. Internet merchants and online payment
processors are not foolproof. Be very careful in doing business
with these online merchants. Payment in internet shopping is
done through online payment processors which are not entirely
secure from hackers and identity thieves. Chances exist that
clever hackers and other unscrupulous individuals can break into
your credit card account. These hackers can also use your
personal information for illegal purposes. You might just be
surprised with excessive credit card bills for items you didn't
buy and received. To add insult to injury, products sold in
virtual shops are generally more expensive. For limited and
strict budgets, on-site shopping is better. Or, you can spend
time browsing through different sites to compare prices.
Internet merchants and online payment processors are convenient
alternatives to ordinary shopping. To keep enjoying its
benefits, don't forget to be smart and be aware of the possible
About the Author: For more valuable information on Internet
Merchants and Online Payment Processors, please visit
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Internet Merchant Account
Internet Merchant Accounts For Innocents Abroad
By T. O' Donnell
If you want to sell on the internet, your need to accept credit
cards. To accept credit cards, you need a merchant account, or
access to one. There're two ways of getting this: Get your own
merchant account, or 'pimp' off someone else's.
The latter is the option most new merchants choose. You use a
third-party to process your payments, and they take percentage.
Here are a few popular ones: (
I don't recommend them as your main processor. See PayPal is popular because it was
'firstest with the mostest' on auction sites. For this reason,
eBay bought them out. alleges that if you have a
bad order they freeze your account, and can even dip into your
bank account to make up any shortfalls. Mitigating circumstances
are not taken into account. I've read enough complaints about
PayPal on webmaster forums to heed them.
The usual rejoinder is; "But I've never had any problems with
PayPal". To which is usually retorted "Just wait 'till you get a
A chargeback occurs when someone asks their credit-card company
for a refund. They say they didn't get the goods, or they never
made the order, or the goods were not as advertised. This is
passed on to the processor, who in turn debits the merchant. Or
drops him entirely. You don't want too many of these.
I've used them for years for small amounts, with no problem,
but on the basis of others' complaints in webmaster forums, I
wouldn't use them for large ones. Don't leave large amounts 'on
deposit' in any internet-based company; they're not banks, and
even banks go bust occasionally.
The best use for PayPal is to entice customers who already use
it. Find another provider to be your main one. One like ... (
This is a factoring service like PayPal. Unlike them, they have
a pretty good reputation with webmasters. Like PayPal, they
don't provide you with a merchant account; they process your
orders through their own.
This is why such sites have to be very stringent; they are
answerable to their own merchant account provider. Too many
bogus orders, and they go out of business.
This is why third-party factoring services like 2Checkout are
very useful to a newbie merchant: fraud prevention. They can
screen out suspicious orders.
Most merchants would like to think they can sell worldwide. The
fact is most of the world is poor; MOST countries can't afford
your goods. So some citizens try to get them fraudulently.
A smart merchant would bar most of the world from accessing his
cart, and only accept orders from the USA, Canada, western
Europe, Australia and New Zealand, and his home country. Harsh,
but you'll sleep better at night.
WorldPay (
A well-regarded service. I found adding it to the Oscommerce
cart ( a bit of a chore, but it
worked. More expensive to join than 2Checkout. You don't hear
many gripes about WorldPay, which is rare in webmaster circles. (
Handy if you're selling a few items of inexpensive software to
start off your business. They'll let you up the price once
they're sure of you. I managed to get them to go up to $150
(whoo!). I was very jealous of their system. It's well designed
and extremely 'viral'; they're basically a huge affiliate
program. Join ClickBank, and others will try and sell your
product for you.
They allow you to block whole continents from trying to buy
your product, and that is good. The odds are that a $25 order
for an ebook, from a third-world country, is fraudulent.
If an order looks dodgy, it probably is. Contact the customer
by 'phone or email. If you don't get a satisfactory reply,
refund the card.
When you're making $1000+ a month, get your own merchant
MerchantSeek (
A useful collection of affiliate links to merchant account and
processing providers. Scroll down their front page to their
search tool. You can find an account that suits your needs. This
is most helpful to non-U.S. merchants, or those seeking
'international merchant accounts'.
In the UK, look for 'merchant services' at:
Barclays bank (
NatWest (
Bank Of Scotland (
Royal Bank Of Scotland (
Streamline (
UK processing services are:
Secpay (
Netbanx (
Protx (
Having one's own merchant account means paying less in
processing fees.
IMPORTANT: You should specify up-front that you are looking for
an internet merchant account. Internet transactions are viewed
as higher risk than those by bricks-and-mortar businesses. The
technical term is 'card not present'.
Some things you may need, if applying for an internet merchant
account of your own:
Business bank account;
Photocopy of a voided cheque for said account;
Copy of the articles of incorporation of your company;
Photocopy of your return policy information;
Trade references;
Photocopy of your driver's license or passport.
In short, you need to prove that both you and your company are
what you say they are. Your account provider is taking a chance
on you. You might send them a ton of bogus orders. A bank is a
business too, not a community service. Help them to make the
right decision! The more you can establish that you are
bona-fide, the lower the cost of your account.
Things to avoid, if you can:
a) Expensive credit-card processing software rental or
b) Monthly fees.
c) High discounts (the % of your sales they keep).
d) Fat fees up front (anything over $500 is a joke).
e) Salesmen calling you up with a spiel.
f) Getting lumbered with hiring their shopping cart as well.
Things to look out for at sites offering merchant accounts:
If you need to maintain a U.S. presence - full U.S.
incorporation, U.S. server, U.S. offices, U.S. bank account - or
Also if they want a deposit, and the size of their application
fee. And the usual monthly minimums, discounts etc.
Avoid getting into any software purchase or equipment rental.
You can sort all that out later, for less money. There are
plenty of good payment gateways, like
( just itching for your business.
PS: Don't accept a merchant account from an Eastern European
bank. I did, some years ago. The bank went bust. One guy wailed
on Usenet that he'd lost $10,000 dollars. Luckily for me,
business was bad that year!
About the Author: T. O' Donnell ( is an
ecommerce consultant in London, UK. His latest projects are a
mortgage calculator and ebook, available at
By T. O' Donnell
If you want to sell on the internet, your need to accept credit
cards. To accept credit cards, you need a merchant account, or
access to one. There're two ways of getting this: Get your own
merchant account, or 'pimp' off someone else's.
The latter is the option most new merchants choose. You use a
third-party to process your payments, and they take percentage.
Here are a few popular ones: (
I don't recommend them as your main processor. See PayPal is popular because it was
'firstest with the mostest' on auction sites. For this reason,
eBay bought them out. alleges that if you have a
bad order they freeze your account, and can even dip into your
bank account to make up any shortfalls. Mitigating circumstances
are not taken into account. I've read enough complaints about
PayPal on webmaster forums to heed them.
The usual rejoinder is; "But I've never had any problems with
PayPal". To which is usually retorted "Just wait 'till you get a
A chargeback occurs when someone asks their credit-card company
for a refund. They say they didn't get the goods, or they never
made the order, or the goods were not as advertised. This is
passed on to the processor, who in turn debits the merchant. Or
drops him entirely. You don't want too many of these.
I've used them for years for small amounts, with no problem,
but on the basis of others' complaints in webmaster forums, I
wouldn't use them for large ones. Don't leave large amounts 'on
deposit' in any internet-based company; they're not banks, and
even banks go bust occasionally.
The best use for PayPal is to entice customers who already use
it. Find another provider to be your main one. One like ... (
This is a factoring service like PayPal. Unlike them, they have
a pretty good reputation with webmasters. Like PayPal, they
don't provide you with a merchant account; they process your
orders through their own.
This is why such sites have to be very stringent; they are
answerable to their own merchant account provider. Too many
bogus orders, and they go out of business.
This is why third-party factoring services like 2Checkout are
very useful to a newbie merchant: fraud prevention. They can
screen out suspicious orders.
Most merchants would like to think they can sell worldwide. The
fact is most of the world is poor; MOST countries can't afford
your goods. So some citizens try to get them fraudulently.
A smart merchant would bar most of the world from accessing his
cart, and only accept orders from the USA, Canada, western
Europe, Australia and New Zealand, and his home country. Harsh,
but you'll sleep better at night.
WorldPay (
A well-regarded service. I found adding it to the Oscommerce
cart ( a bit of a chore, but it
worked. More expensive to join than 2Checkout. You don't hear
many gripes about WorldPay, which is rare in webmaster circles. (
Handy if you're selling a few items of inexpensive software to
start off your business. They'll let you up the price once
they're sure of you. I managed to get them to go up to $150
(whoo!). I was very jealous of their system. It's well designed
and extremely 'viral'; they're basically a huge affiliate
program. Join ClickBank, and others will try and sell your
product for you.
They allow you to block whole continents from trying to buy
your product, and that is good. The odds are that a $25 order
for an ebook, from a third-world country, is fraudulent.
If an order looks dodgy, it probably is. Contact the customer
by 'phone or email. If you don't get a satisfactory reply,
refund the card.
When you're making $1000+ a month, get your own merchant
MerchantSeek (
A useful collection of affiliate links to merchant account and
processing providers. Scroll down their front page to their
search tool. You can find an account that suits your needs. This
is most helpful to non-U.S. merchants, or those seeking
'international merchant accounts'.
In the UK, look for 'merchant services' at:
Barclays bank (
NatWest (
Bank Of Scotland (
Royal Bank Of Scotland (
Streamline (
UK processing services are:
Secpay (
Netbanx (
Protx (
Having one's own merchant account means paying less in
processing fees.
IMPORTANT: You should specify up-front that you are looking for
an internet merchant account. Internet transactions are viewed
as higher risk than those by bricks-and-mortar businesses. The
technical term is 'card not present'.
Some things you may need, if applying for an internet merchant
account of your own:
Business bank account;
Photocopy of a voided cheque for said account;
Copy of the articles of incorporation of your company;
Photocopy of your return policy information;
Trade references;
Photocopy of your driver's license or passport.
In short, you need to prove that both you and your company are
what you say they are. Your account provider is taking a chance
on you. You might send them a ton of bogus orders. A bank is a
business too, not a community service. Help them to make the
right decision! The more you can establish that you are
bona-fide, the lower the cost of your account.
Things to avoid, if you can:
a) Expensive credit-card processing software rental or
b) Monthly fees.
c) High discounts (the % of your sales they keep).
d) Fat fees up front (anything over $500 is a joke).
e) Salesmen calling you up with a spiel.
f) Getting lumbered with hiring their shopping cart as well.
Things to look out for at sites offering merchant accounts:
If you need to maintain a U.S. presence - full U.S.
incorporation, U.S. server, U.S. offices, U.S. bank account - or
Also if they want a deposit, and the size of their application
fee. And the usual monthly minimums, discounts etc.
Avoid getting into any software purchase or equipment rental.
You can sort all that out later, for less money. There are
plenty of good payment gateways, like
( just itching for your business.
PS: Don't accept a merchant account from an Eastern European
bank. I did, some years ago. The bank went bust. One guy wailed
on Usenet that he'd lost $10,000 dollars. Luckily for me,
business was bad that year!
About the Author: T. O' Donnell ( is an
ecommerce consultant in London, UK. His latest projects are a
mortgage calculator and ebook, available at
Monday, July 23, 2007
Internet Merchant Accounts
Business Merchant Account - Get One
By Joshua Feinberg
Business merchant accounts are critical to have if you want to
accept credit cards. Business merchant accounts are not limited
to those computer consultants reselling products either. They
are a good idea for any sale, especially when you are selling to
new clients.
If you have a business merchant account you will not have to
chase down outstanding debt. The cost is not that high and you
don't have to buy traditional credit card processing equipment.
Now they have what is called a lab terminal, which allows you to
use your web browser to manage the transactions. The systems are
completely secure and most business merchant account providers
team up with larger companies that offer great advantages.
Costco's Business Merchant Account
One of the biggest secrets we learned about business merchant
accounts is that Costco provides a fantastic deal on credit card
processing through Nova Systems. It's such a great deal it can
actually pay for your entire Costco membership. Here are some
All of the monthly statement and gateway fees are waived -
savings of $25 - $50 per month
Very competitive discount rates on Visa and MasterCard.
You can add on processing for American Express and Discover -
you will find that even though American Express transaction fees
are higher, it is a very popular card with small businesses.
The charges billed are transferred quickly and directly into
your business bank account - this is a lot faster than doing
your billing or invoicing once a week or so.
Paypal is a popular alternative to traditional business
merchant accounts. Paypal is very easy to set up and the set up
is free. There are restrictions though on what you can do and
how you can withdraw your money. The largest drawback is the
negative connotation of being an ebay related service where
people sell garage sale stuff as a hobby.
The Bottom Line on Business Merchant Accounts
Business merchant accounts will help you get paid faster. There
are fees involved but the customer convenience and no hassle
approach to receiving your money make it worthwhile. There are
different business merchant accounts available so do your
homework and choose the one that makes the best sense for you.
Copyright MMI-MMVI, Small Biz Tech Talk. All Worldwide Rights
Reserved. {Attention Publishers: Live hyperlink in author
resource box required for copyright compliance}
About the Author: Joshua Feinberg helps computer consultant
business owners get steady, high-paying clients. Sign-up now for
Joshua's free audio training that shows you how to use
field-tested, proven Small Biz Tech Talk tools at
By Joshua Feinberg
Business merchant accounts are critical to have if you want to
accept credit cards. Business merchant accounts are not limited
to those computer consultants reselling products either. They
are a good idea for any sale, especially when you are selling to
new clients.
If you have a business merchant account you will not have to
chase down outstanding debt. The cost is not that high and you
don't have to buy traditional credit card processing equipment.
Now they have what is called a lab terminal, which allows you to
use your web browser to manage the transactions. The systems are
completely secure and most business merchant account providers
team up with larger companies that offer great advantages.
Costco's Business Merchant Account
One of the biggest secrets we learned about business merchant
accounts is that Costco provides a fantastic deal on credit card
processing through Nova Systems. It's such a great deal it can
actually pay for your entire Costco membership. Here are some
All of the monthly statement and gateway fees are waived -
savings of $25 - $50 per month
Very competitive discount rates on Visa and MasterCard.
You can add on processing for American Express and Discover -
you will find that even though American Express transaction fees
are higher, it is a very popular card with small businesses.
The charges billed are transferred quickly and directly into
your business bank account - this is a lot faster than doing
your billing or invoicing once a week or so.
Paypal is a popular alternative to traditional business
merchant accounts. Paypal is very easy to set up and the set up
is free. There are restrictions though on what you can do and
how you can withdraw your money. The largest drawback is the
negative connotation of being an ebay related service where
people sell garage sale stuff as a hobby.
The Bottom Line on Business Merchant Accounts
Business merchant accounts will help you get paid faster. There
are fees involved but the customer convenience and no hassle
approach to receiving your money make it worthwhile. There are
different business merchant accounts available so do your
homework and choose the one that makes the best sense for you.
Copyright MMI-MMVI, Small Biz Tech Talk. All Worldwide Rights
Reserved. {Attention Publishers: Live hyperlink in author
resource box required for copyright compliance}
About the Author: Joshua Feinberg helps computer consultant
business owners get steady, high-paying clients. Sign-up now for
Joshua's free audio training that shows you how to use
field-tested, proven Small Biz Tech Talk tools at
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Internet Merchant Accounts
Merchant Credit Card Terminals
By []Kent Pinkerton
Merchant credit card terminals are electronic devices offering fast, low-cost means to authorize and process credit card transactions. They are very commonly used in retail stores and restaurants. Most merchant credit card terminals accept all major credit, debit, and private-label cards offering low-cost credit card authorization, check guarantee, and data capture for a range of retail applications.
A terminal to process credit cards is a great investment to your business. Most merchant credit card terminals support Internet-based services such as e-mail, electronic signature, interactive electronic coupons, onscreen advertising, cash management reporting, and e-commerce. They make transactions more convenient, faster, and accurate for both customers and merchants.
At first, merchant credit card processing terminals verify your customer's card information. Then they withdraw money for the purchase from the customer?s account and deposit it directly into your merchant account. The most important units of merchant credit card terminals are card readers with a small keypad and display. They require power supply and can communicate through a telephone line. Modern terminals are powered by batteries and can communicate wireless or over the Internet. They come in several sizes and prices.
There are many types of merchant credit card terminals: traditional terminals (with or without printers), wireless terminals, and virtual or software-based terminals. Merchants with a permanent place of business need a basic card reader terminal. In this case, the terminal is placed right on the counter where all transactions take place. For businesses that constantly change locations, a wireless credit card processing terminal is a good choice. It is suitable for merchants who are always on the go.
Millions of merchant credit card terminals ship annually and the majority have the same basic functions and features. It can only be used in combination with a merchant account that processes credit card transactions. Businesses already using credit card terminals need to buy extra equipments to maintain additional services such as debit card transactions and issuing and accepting gift cards. A number of terminals also support additional forms of payment such as electronic bank transfers and phone cards. []Credit Card Terminals provides detailed information on Credit Card Terminals, Credit Card Terminal Systems, Wireless Credit Card Terminals, Credit Card Processing Terminals and more. Credit Card Terminals is affiliated with []Credit Card Processing Software.
Article Source:
By []Kent Pinkerton
Merchant credit card terminals are electronic devices offering fast, low-cost means to authorize and process credit card transactions. They are very commonly used in retail stores and restaurants. Most merchant credit card terminals accept all major credit, debit, and private-label cards offering low-cost credit card authorization, check guarantee, and data capture for a range of retail applications.
A terminal to process credit cards is a great investment to your business. Most merchant credit card terminals support Internet-based services such as e-mail, electronic signature, interactive electronic coupons, onscreen advertising, cash management reporting, and e-commerce. They make transactions more convenient, faster, and accurate for both customers and merchants.
At first, merchant credit card processing terminals verify your customer's card information. Then they withdraw money for the purchase from the customer?s account and deposit it directly into your merchant account. The most important units of merchant credit card terminals are card readers with a small keypad and display. They require power supply and can communicate through a telephone line. Modern terminals are powered by batteries and can communicate wireless or over the Internet. They come in several sizes and prices.
There are many types of merchant credit card terminals: traditional terminals (with or without printers), wireless terminals, and virtual or software-based terminals. Merchants with a permanent place of business need a basic card reader terminal. In this case, the terminal is placed right on the counter where all transactions take place. For businesses that constantly change locations, a wireless credit card processing terminal is a good choice. It is suitable for merchants who are always on the go.
Millions of merchant credit card terminals ship annually and the majority have the same basic functions and features. It can only be used in combination with a merchant account that processes credit card transactions. Businesses already using credit card terminals need to buy extra equipments to maintain additional services such as debit card transactions and issuing and accepting gift cards. A number of terminals also support additional forms of payment such as electronic bank transfers and phone cards. []Credit Card Terminals provides detailed information on Credit Card Terminals, Credit Card Terminal Systems, Wireless Credit Card Terminals, Credit Card Processing Terminals and more. Credit Card Terminals is affiliated with []Credit Card Processing Software.
Article Source:
Friday, July 20, 2007
Internet Merchant Account
Internet Merchant Credit Card Accounts
By []Seth Miller
Internet merchant credit card accounts are those accounts in which payments made through credit cards can be transferred to a specified account by customers making online purchases. These accounts are operated on behalf of the merchants by a third party.
A large number of Internet merchant account providers provide these services. Internet merchant accounts accept all kinds of online payments, including payments made via credit cards, or the electronic transfer of money from one merchant account to another. Internet merchant credit card accounts accept only credit card payments.
The requirements for such accounts emerged after online business started expanding. Over the last few years, online business has come of age. In an online transaction there is no human contact, so there is a need to have a mechanism where cash can change hands even when sellers and buyers sit thousands of miles apart. The nature of online transactions has made Internet merchant accounts a necessity for an online business.
An Internet merchant credit card account is easy to open and operate. The account provider also provides round-the-clock technical service. It also give you a unique user ID and password which ensures that only authorized persons have access to the account, in which online payments made through credit cards are transferred.
Always try to choose an Internet merchant credit card account provider who enjoys credibility in the market and provides speedy credit card sales processing facilities. It should be comfortable handling all the major brands of credit cards. And look at the costs associated with operating this kind of account. The costs could vary depending on which account provider you have hired and which "package" of services you have selected. Choose one which suits your business requirements without making a heavy dent on your profit. []Internet Merchant Accounts provides detailed information on Internet Merchant Accounts, Free Internet Merchant Accounts, Ecommerce Internet Merchant Accounts, Internet Merchant Credit Card Accounts and more. Internet Merchant Accounts is affiliated with []International Ecommerce Merchant Accounts.
Article Source:
By []Seth Miller
Internet merchant credit card accounts are those accounts in which payments made through credit cards can be transferred to a specified account by customers making online purchases. These accounts are operated on behalf of the merchants by a third party.
A large number of Internet merchant account providers provide these services. Internet merchant accounts accept all kinds of online payments, including payments made via credit cards, or the electronic transfer of money from one merchant account to another. Internet merchant credit card accounts accept only credit card payments.
The requirements for such accounts emerged after online business started expanding. Over the last few years, online business has come of age. In an online transaction there is no human contact, so there is a need to have a mechanism where cash can change hands even when sellers and buyers sit thousands of miles apart. The nature of online transactions has made Internet merchant accounts a necessity for an online business.
An Internet merchant credit card account is easy to open and operate. The account provider also provides round-the-clock technical service. It also give you a unique user ID and password which ensures that only authorized persons have access to the account, in which online payments made through credit cards are transferred.
Always try to choose an Internet merchant credit card account provider who enjoys credibility in the market and provides speedy credit card sales processing facilities. It should be comfortable handling all the major brands of credit cards. And look at the costs associated with operating this kind of account. The costs could vary depending on which account provider you have hired and which "package" of services you have selected. Choose one which suits your business requirements without making a heavy dent on your profit. []Internet Merchant Accounts provides detailed information on Internet Merchant Accounts, Free Internet Merchant Accounts, Ecommerce Internet Merchant Accounts, Internet Merchant Credit Card Accounts and more. Internet Merchant Accounts is affiliated with []International Ecommerce Merchant Accounts.
Article Source:
Friday, July 13, 2007
Internet Merchant Accounts
Internet Merchant Account Provider
By []Alison Cole
An Internet merchant account is an account with a bank or a financial institution that allows a businessman to accept credit card payments from his clients via the Internet. The payment gateway essentially transmits the required data to the Internet merchant account provider. Most local banks, however, do not offer Internet merchant account capability.
There are reasons why local banks or financial institutions do not want to give online merchant accounts. One is because transactions through the Internet are completely unlike face-to-face transactions, where a signature from the customer is required to approve the purchase. Thus, online truncations are deemed susceptible to credit card fraud. When choosing an Internet merchant account provider, fraud protection should be one of your major considerations.
So, how much will it cost? Comprehending the costs of your merchant provider can be complicated. Characteristically, an Internet merchant account will have certain costs.
Many Internet merchant accounts require a fee for application. This fee, purportedly, is to cover their expenses for processing the application. In the case that you eventually do not open an Internet merchant account, they will still ask for the initial payment. Many providers waive these up front application fees, and it is recommended that one chooses a provider that does not require up front application fees.
Almost all Internet merchant providers need a “statement fee"" (as the monthly fee is commonly named); this is simply a different way to cover costs and make some money. It is difficult to find providers who do not ask for this type of payment.
Then there is the discount rate, which is usually between 2 to 4 percent. The discount rate is actually the sales commission that the provider earns on every sale. For instance, if the discount rate is 3% and you get a sale over your web site for $10, you will owe 30 cents to the Internet merchant provider.
The fixed transaction fee is somewhere between $0.20 and $0.30. It is the fixed fee portion of every sale. The fixed transaction fee, unlike the discount fee, is the same for every transaction. Whether you get a $10 sale or a $50 sale, the transaction fee will not change.
Also, there is the termination fee that can apply if you cancel your account within a particular period of time (generally a year). There are some merchant providers who require a three-year commitment from your side.
If a customer requests for a refund, an Internet merchant provider can charge you a separate fee (somewhere around $20). []Merchant Account Providers provides detailed information on Merchant Account Providers, Internet Merchant Account Provider, Merchant Account Service Providers, Become a Merchant Account Provider and more. Merchant Account Providers is affiliated with []Free Webcam Chat.
Article Source:
By []Alison Cole
An Internet merchant account is an account with a bank or a financial institution that allows a businessman to accept credit card payments from his clients via the Internet. The payment gateway essentially transmits the required data to the Internet merchant account provider. Most local banks, however, do not offer Internet merchant account capability.
There are reasons why local banks or financial institutions do not want to give online merchant accounts. One is because transactions through the Internet are completely unlike face-to-face transactions, where a signature from the customer is required to approve the purchase. Thus, online truncations are deemed susceptible to credit card fraud. When choosing an Internet merchant account provider, fraud protection should be one of your major considerations.
So, how much will it cost? Comprehending the costs of your merchant provider can be complicated. Characteristically, an Internet merchant account will have certain costs.
Many Internet merchant accounts require a fee for application. This fee, purportedly, is to cover their expenses for processing the application. In the case that you eventually do not open an Internet merchant account, they will still ask for the initial payment. Many providers waive these up front application fees, and it is recommended that one chooses a provider that does not require up front application fees.
Almost all Internet merchant providers need a “statement fee"" (as the monthly fee is commonly named); this is simply a different way to cover costs and make some money. It is difficult to find providers who do not ask for this type of payment.
Then there is the discount rate, which is usually between 2 to 4 percent. The discount rate is actually the sales commission that the provider earns on every sale. For instance, if the discount rate is 3% and you get a sale over your web site for $10, you will owe 30 cents to the Internet merchant provider.
The fixed transaction fee is somewhere between $0.20 and $0.30. It is the fixed fee portion of every sale. The fixed transaction fee, unlike the discount fee, is the same for every transaction. Whether you get a $10 sale or a $50 sale, the transaction fee will not change.
Also, there is the termination fee that can apply if you cancel your account within a particular period of time (generally a year). There are some merchant providers who require a three-year commitment from your side.
If a customer requests for a refund, an Internet merchant provider can charge you a separate fee (somewhere around $20). []Merchant Account Providers provides detailed information on Merchant Account Providers, Internet Merchant Account Provider, Merchant Account Service Providers, Become a Merchant Account Provider and more. Merchant Account Providers is affiliated with []Free Webcam Chat.
Article Source:
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Internet Merchant Account
Online Merchant Services
By Alison Cole
An online merchant service is one that enables you to make payments on the internet. Typically, online merchant services work through Internet merchant accounts that are provided through an acquiring bank. This acquirer effectively allows you to accept or make payments through credit cards online. As it is the case with almost any business decision, there are a number of both advantages as well as disadvantages to online systems of payment and also to other types of processors of credit card. On a general basis, the advantages tend to be tied to having a direct control of the system for processing the payment. On the flip side the disadvantages tend to revolve around factors like mechanics, logistics, and security. The responsibility for the entire process of payment is a very risky affair and needs to be contemplated to avoid any loopholes.
A major concern that a lot of people face is the costs incurred to obtain online merchant services. There are a multitude of potential fees and costs that are associated with even designing an ecommerce web site that would provide these services. If you are looking to set up such a web service to enhance your business process then you need to consider potential charges for the same. Various credit card merchant account fees will crop up from each provider who is involved in assisting you to establish your ecommerce web site. The merchant service set up will involve application fees, the actual set-up fees, not to mention yearly membership charges. There are also other factors like monthly statement charges and gateway access fees. The list is quite long and so you will need to look into it in a comprehensive manner as it is easy to misinterpret the fee structures. This is because very rarely are all the exact costs related to ecommerce revealed in a single place. However in the end the set up of such an online merchant service could prove to be extremely beneficial to your trade and could leverage your customer base.
Merchant Services provides detailed information on merchant services, e-commerce merchant services, high risk merchant accounts, internet merchant services and more. Merchant Services is affiliated with Internet Merchant Accounts.
Article Source:
By Alison Cole
An online merchant service is one that enables you to make payments on the internet. Typically, online merchant services work through Internet merchant accounts that are provided through an acquiring bank. This acquirer effectively allows you to accept or make payments through credit cards online. As it is the case with almost any business decision, there are a number of both advantages as well as disadvantages to online systems of payment and also to other types of processors of credit card. On a general basis, the advantages tend to be tied to having a direct control of the system for processing the payment. On the flip side the disadvantages tend to revolve around factors like mechanics, logistics, and security. The responsibility for the entire process of payment is a very risky affair and needs to be contemplated to avoid any loopholes.
A major concern that a lot of people face is the costs incurred to obtain online merchant services. There are a multitude of potential fees and costs that are associated with even designing an ecommerce web site that would provide these services. If you are looking to set up such a web service to enhance your business process then you need to consider potential charges for the same. Various credit card merchant account fees will crop up from each provider who is involved in assisting you to establish your ecommerce web site. The merchant service set up will involve application fees, the actual set-up fees, not to mention yearly membership charges. There are also other factors like monthly statement charges and gateway access fees. The list is quite long and so you will need to look into it in a comprehensive manner as it is easy to misinterpret the fee structures. This is because very rarely are all the exact costs related to ecommerce revealed in a single place. However in the end the set up of such an online merchant service could prove to be extremely beneficial to your trade and could leverage your customer base.
Merchant Services provides detailed information on merchant services, e-commerce merchant services, high risk merchant accounts, internet merchant services and more. Merchant Services is affiliated with Internet Merchant Accounts.
Article Source:
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Internet Merchant Account
Internet Merchant Accounts
By []Kent Pinkerton
An Internet merchant account can help you use and accept all modes of payment, such as credit, debit, and EBT. Today, many people use credit cards and electronic checks to pay for goods. People use them everywhere, especially online. In other words, to conduct a transaction on the World Wide Web, one does need to have a credit card or a bank account.
If you are a business proprietor then you cannot operate on the Internet unless you accept these forms of payment. You need to set up a certain infrastructure to be able to accept these various forms of payments, which is where an Internet merchant account comes into play.
Processing all forms of payment is good for business since it increases a merchant's consumer base. An Internet merchant account not only allows the business owner to accept major credit cards and personal checks, but also allows them to process the payments in a risk-free, secure way. In an electronic environment, the customer can key in his or her personal and financial information via the secure network and the web pages would direct him or her through the entire sales process. The customer knows that that all the information is secure and the merchant knows that the funds will be placed in the business account shortly.
The business owner can purchase various types of “Buy it” buttons from the merchant account gateway. Once the customer clicks on the button to purchase an item, the customer is automatically shifted to the section for payment methods. Such an account can also computes taxes for each item sold as per the requirement for domestic and foreign rates for United States Mail, FedEx, and UPS.
Payment methods, tax calculations, and shipping preferences are few of the steps in the purchasing transaction that are handled automatically and quickly. By assisting the consumer and making the payment environment easy and safe to use, the merchant has provided exceptional customer service. []High Risk Merchant Accounts provides detailed information about high risk merchant accounts, high risk offshore merchant accounts and more. High Risk Merchant Accounts is affiliated with []Background Checks.
Article Source:
By []Kent Pinkerton
An Internet merchant account can help you use and accept all modes of payment, such as credit, debit, and EBT. Today, many people use credit cards and electronic checks to pay for goods. People use them everywhere, especially online. In other words, to conduct a transaction on the World Wide Web, one does need to have a credit card or a bank account.
If you are a business proprietor then you cannot operate on the Internet unless you accept these forms of payment. You need to set up a certain infrastructure to be able to accept these various forms of payments, which is where an Internet merchant account comes into play.
Processing all forms of payment is good for business since it increases a merchant's consumer base. An Internet merchant account not only allows the business owner to accept major credit cards and personal checks, but also allows them to process the payments in a risk-free, secure way. In an electronic environment, the customer can key in his or her personal and financial information via the secure network and the web pages would direct him or her through the entire sales process. The customer knows that that all the information is secure and the merchant knows that the funds will be placed in the business account shortly.
The business owner can purchase various types of “Buy it” buttons from the merchant account gateway. Once the customer clicks on the button to purchase an item, the customer is automatically shifted to the section for payment methods. Such an account can also computes taxes for each item sold as per the requirement for domestic and foreign rates for United States Mail, FedEx, and UPS.
Payment methods, tax calculations, and shipping preferences are few of the steps in the purchasing transaction that are handled automatically and quickly. By assisting the consumer and making the payment environment easy and safe to use, the merchant has provided exceptional customer service. []High Risk Merchant Accounts provides detailed information about high risk merchant accounts, high risk offshore merchant accounts and more. High Risk Merchant Accounts is affiliated with []Background Checks.
Article Source:
Monday, July 9, 2007
Internet Merchant Account
How to get Free Internet Merchant Accounts
By John Lynch
How to get Free Internet Merchant Accounts
This article will show small businesses how to get free
internet merchant accounts. If your business is to grow and
succeed, it is essential to accept online credit cards.
Benefits of accepting online credit cards.
·It has been proven that sales increase dramatically when you
accept online credit cards.
·Up to 75% of online purchases are made on impulse and
customers spend up to 50% more when using their credit cards.
·Above all, if you accept online credit cards you build
credibility in the eyes of your customers as they assume only
established businesses will accept cards.
However, it is not necessary to have your own internet
merchant account to be able to accept credit card payments on
your website. Most small businesses do not need their own
online merchant account.
How to get free online credit cards
Getting your own internet merchant account is more difficult
than obtaining an offline merchant account because the card is
not present at payment nor is the signature obtained.
Sometimes, small and new companies face extra difficulties.
Nevertheless, these problems can be overcome by getting a
Third Party Processing company to accept online credit card
payments on behalf of you or your company.
How Third Party Processors operate
The payments your customers make are processed through the
third party’s own merchant account, and you the retailer is
paid (minus a commission) by the third party processor. This
allows you to sell online without the necessity of having your
own internet merchant account.
However, the Third Party Processor makes its profit by
charging a processing fee. Usually, third party processor
charges are a little more on a transaction compared with having
your own online merchant account. Though set-up fees are usually
free or minimal.
So, there you have it. You can accept online credit cards on
your website through a Third Party Processor without needing
your own merchant account. Free internet merchant accounts by
another name!
© John Lynch
[For a review of online merchant accounts and third party
processors Got to:
By John Lynch
How to get Free Internet Merchant Accounts
This article will show small businesses how to get free
internet merchant accounts. If your business is to grow and
succeed, it is essential to accept online credit cards.
Benefits of accepting online credit cards.
·It has been proven that sales increase dramatically when you
accept online credit cards.
·Up to 75% of online purchases are made on impulse and
customers spend up to 50% more when using their credit cards.
·Above all, if you accept online credit cards you build
credibility in the eyes of your customers as they assume only
established businesses will accept cards.
However, it is not necessary to have your own internet
merchant account to be able to accept credit card payments on
your website. Most small businesses do not need their own
online merchant account.
How to get free online credit cards
Getting your own internet merchant account is more difficult
than obtaining an offline merchant account because the card is
not present at payment nor is the signature obtained.
Sometimes, small and new companies face extra difficulties.
Nevertheless, these problems can be overcome by getting a
Third Party Processing company to accept online credit card
payments on behalf of you or your company.
How Third Party Processors operate
The payments your customers make are processed through the
third party’s own merchant account, and you the retailer is
paid (minus a commission) by the third party processor. This
allows you to sell online without the necessity of having your
own internet merchant account.
However, the Third Party Processor makes its profit by
charging a processing fee. Usually, third party processor
charges are a little more on a transaction compared with having
your own online merchant account. Though set-up fees are usually
free or minimal.
So, there you have it. You can accept online credit cards on
your website through a Third Party Processor without needing
your own merchant account. Free internet merchant accounts by
another name!
© John Lynch
[For a review of online merchant accounts and third party
processors Got to:
Monday, May 14, 2007
Internet Merchant Account
Why You Might Need an Offshore Merchant Account
By Sara K
Whether you are in need of setting up your business elsewhere, moving your assets offshore, require secure credit card processing online or are seeking ways to improve your new business – Offshore Merchant Account is the answer to all your queries!
With the credit card business on the boom, for retail business owners, owning a merchant account that provides credit card processing online along with secure payment processing is, although important but difficult to get. But having a merchant account that offers secure payment processing options is a huge advantage as, with the interest rates dropped, both customers and merchants alike can benefit from it.
Benefits an Offshore Merchant Account offers
Most banks, credit card processors and third party account processors refuse to accept small business/retail merchants if the business has not been operating for at least 2 years. Not only that but some companies even tend to hold security deposits and payments at times for additional security purposes and in order to avoid faulty transactions with their merchant accounts. That is why a credit card processor or a merchant account provider who understands your business needs is essential for success.
Merchant accounts with offshore credit card processing is also a lot more beneficial and the service tends to be a lot better than the one provided by your local bank as you are placed in a comparatively favorable jurisdiction and there are almost no tax problems and currency fluctuations. It helps customers in not only making online purchases easily but merchants are also able to accept payments in multiple currencies.
With offshore merchant accounts, merchants can process credit/debit card transactions, get automated billing advantage, use a secure payment gateway and virtual terminal and also gain fast approval for applications.
The trend for a high processing fee that some processors and banks used to charge for opening an offshore merchant account is now declining fast due to severe competition. With an offshore merchant account you get a legal way of not only getting the real advantages of reduced taxes and additional payment processing options but you also get a genuine way to move your business proceeds offshore. This way the business owners are able to make most of their earnings and profits and enjoy the favorable conditions.
At we understand the importance of your business and that is why we offer our Offshore Merchant Account customers with the best possible benefits and a 24/7 customer support service.
Article Source:
Offshore merchant accounts have helped merchants worldwide gain an easier access to their revenues and has provided benefits to many for improving their business.
By Sara K
Whether you are in need of setting up your business elsewhere, moving your assets offshore, require secure credit card processing online or are seeking ways to improve your new business – Offshore Merchant Account is the answer to all your queries!
With the credit card business on the boom, for retail business owners, owning a merchant account that provides credit card processing online along with secure payment processing is, although important but difficult to get. But having a merchant account that offers secure payment processing options is a huge advantage as, with the interest rates dropped, both customers and merchants alike can benefit from it.
Benefits an Offshore Merchant Account offers
Most banks, credit card processors and third party account processors refuse to accept small business/retail merchants if the business has not been operating for at least 2 years. Not only that but some companies even tend to hold security deposits and payments at times for additional security purposes and in order to avoid faulty transactions with their merchant accounts. That is why a credit card processor or a merchant account provider who understands your business needs is essential for success.
Merchant accounts with offshore credit card processing is also a lot more beneficial and the service tends to be a lot better than the one provided by your local bank as you are placed in a comparatively favorable jurisdiction and there are almost no tax problems and currency fluctuations. It helps customers in not only making online purchases easily but merchants are also able to accept payments in multiple currencies.
With offshore merchant accounts, merchants can process credit/debit card transactions, get automated billing advantage, use a secure payment gateway and virtual terminal and also gain fast approval for applications.
The trend for a high processing fee that some processors and banks used to charge for opening an offshore merchant account is now declining fast due to severe competition. With an offshore merchant account you get a legal way of not only getting the real advantages of reduced taxes and additional payment processing options but you also get a genuine way to move your business proceeds offshore. This way the business owners are able to make most of their earnings and profits and enjoy the favorable conditions.
At we understand the importance of your business and that is why we offer our Offshore Merchant Account customers with the best possible benefits and a 24/7 customer support service.
Article Source:
Offshore merchant accounts have helped merchants worldwide gain an easier access to their revenues and has provided benefits to many for improving their business.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Internet Merchant Account
Gambling Merchant Accounts – 10 Points to Ponder
By Jessica Gables
Choosing a gambling merchant account, much like choosing any other merchant account or online payment gateway, requires a good deal of thought and consideration, as the main purpose of an Internet payment gateway is to ensure the safe and secure transaction of funds between an online service provider and a client.
There are a multitude of merchant accounts to be found on the Internet today, with some of them choosing to handle transactions for specific online businesses, while others choose to handle all forms of online businesses that require a payment gateway. Certain forms of businesses have been classified as “high risk”, primarily because of some aspect of the business.
A high risk merchant account is usually defined by factors such as type of industry, credit history, processing history, average ticket, monthly processing volume, and location of business.
Businesses that are considered high risk include adult content, pharmaceuticals, gambling, magazine subscriptions, streaming or downloadable content, dating services, travel and travel related services.
Here are some pointers to consider when looking for a viable gambling merchant account provider:
1. Make sure to do a market research. Talk to someone who has spent years in the business, you can learn a lot of important things from them.
2. Be sure to check the big numbers, cancellation fees, and most importantly, the hidden fees up front. A merchant account provider who really wants to do business with you will at least try to work with you to adapt to your capabilities.
3. Be sure to compare the different discount rates offered by the various payment processors. There will always be a merchant account provider offering good services online with a much better rate than others.
4. Be careful about advertisements that can be misleading or appear suspicious. If they lie on their ads then most likely they will do the same to you.
5. Verify the integrity of the company. Do a background check and see if the company is known for good business practices and if they have transacted with companies like yours.
6. Do not make a habit of signing a contract too hastily. Read the application carefully because some contracts carry a non-cancellation clause or penalty. If a company will not leave an application with you overnight, they are probably trying to use "high pressure" tactics so that you don't have time to really know what you are signing.
7. Find out what people are saying about the merchant account provider and see which provider has the best reputation. Oftentimes the best form of marketing is by word of mouth, as these connote first hand experience and not just hearsay.
8. In choosing a credit card payment processor, check out the fees and services. Compare which one will work best for your business.
9. Check out how and when will you get the payment. Some merchant account providers have a minimum amount before they send you the payment. Others may charge you with wire transfer fees.
10. Avoid companies with high monthly fees. These providers will drain you of your resources. Many of these companies rely on those monthly fees to compensate their marketing and sales efforts.
Jess Gables is a traveling journalist and author of numerous articles published in travel and hotel service sites, television programs and print materials. She is also a large contributor of articles to various online resource cites, garnering the reputation of being a trusted author on various topics. Gables is a content producer for various resource websites, and she has a background in photography, videography, pre and post production and online affiliate marketing.
Article Source:
By Jessica Gables
Choosing a gambling merchant account, much like choosing any other merchant account or online payment gateway, requires a good deal of thought and consideration, as the main purpose of an Internet payment gateway is to ensure the safe and secure transaction of funds between an online service provider and a client.
There are a multitude of merchant accounts to be found on the Internet today, with some of them choosing to handle transactions for specific online businesses, while others choose to handle all forms of online businesses that require a payment gateway. Certain forms of businesses have been classified as “high risk”, primarily because of some aspect of the business.
A high risk merchant account is usually defined by factors such as type of industry, credit history, processing history, average ticket, monthly processing volume, and location of business.
Businesses that are considered high risk include adult content, pharmaceuticals, gambling, magazine subscriptions, streaming or downloadable content, dating services, travel and travel related services.
Here are some pointers to consider when looking for a viable gambling merchant account provider:
1. Make sure to do a market research. Talk to someone who has spent years in the business, you can learn a lot of important things from them.
2. Be sure to check the big numbers, cancellation fees, and most importantly, the hidden fees up front. A merchant account provider who really wants to do business with you will at least try to work with you to adapt to your capabilities.
3. Be sure to compare the different discount rates offered by the various payment processors. There will always be a merchant account provider offering good services online with a much better rate than others.
4. Be careful about advertisements that can be misleading or appear suspicious. If they lie on their ads then most likely they will do the same to you.
5. Verify the integrity of the company. Do a background check and see if the company is known for good business practices and if they have transacted with companies like yours.
6. Do not make a habit of signing a contract too hastily. Read the application carefully because some contracts carry a non-cancellation clause or penalty. If a company will not leave an application with you overnight, they are probably trying to use "high pressure" tactics so that you don't have time to really know what you are signing.
7. Find out what people are saying about the merchant account provider and see which provider has the best reputation. Oftentimes the best form of marketing is by word of mouth, as these connote first hand experience and not just hearsay.
8. In choosing a credit card payment processor, check out the fees and services. Compare which one will work best for your business.
9. Check out how and when will you get the payment. Some merchant account providers have a minimum amount before they send you the payment. Others may charge you with wire transfer fees.
10. Avoid companies with high monthly fees. These providers will drain you of your resources. Many of these companies rely on those monthly fees to compensate their marketing and sales efforts.
Jess Gables is a traveling journalist and author of numerous articles published in travel and hotel service sites, television programs and print materials. She is also a large contributor of articles to various online resource cites, garnering the reputation of being a trusted author on various topics. Gables is a content producer for various resource websites, and she has a background in photography, videography, pre and post production and online affiliate marketing.
Article Source:
Friday, May 11, 2007
Internet Merchant Account
Ecommerce Internet Merchant Accounts
By Seth Miller
For Internet-based businesses there is always a need to find an appropriate e-commerce solution. This itself can be a challenging task. The ideal e-commerce solution should facilitate online purchases and payments through credit cards.
The process should be automated, safe and secure, because the credit card information stands chances of being misused by someone who is not authorized to use it.
There are a number of e-commerce solutions available which enable online payments through credit cards. One of them is the Internet merchant account. This account can be opened online within a few minutes. Payments made through credit cards after online shopping get transferred to your Internet merchant account within minutes of the completion of the transaction. However, sometime it may take a bit longer.
While opting for an e-commerce solution through online merchant account, several things have to be kept in mind, such as technical support, security, fees charged for maintaining your account, and commissions on various transactions.
If there is a problem opening a merchant account on the Internet, one can opt for a third-party processing company. This is an Internet merchant account which the company operates on your behalf. The payments made through credit cards for your products or services are transferred to your offline merchant account. There may small fees for opening such accounts, and later a commission is charged on transactions.
Various market surveys have indicated that accepting online payments through credit cards helps increase sales. This clearly implies that if you haven’t got an e-commerce solution for your business, you’d better start looking for one. You can start an Internet merchant account by filling out a simple online form and spending around 100 dollars or so.
Internet Merchant Accounts provides detailed information on Internet Merchant Accounts, Free Internet Merchant Accounts, Ecommerce Internet Merchant Accounts, Internet Merchant Credit Card Accounts and more. Internet Merchant Accounts is affiliated with International Ecommerce Merchant Accounts.
Article Source:
By Seth Miller
For Internet-based businesses there is always a need to find an appropriate e-commerce solution. This itself can be a challenging task. The ideal e-commerce solution should facilitate online purchases and payments through credit cards.
The process should be automated, safe and secure, because the credit card information stands chances of being misused by someone who is not authorized to use it.
There are a number of e-commerce solutions available which enable online payments through credit cards. One of them is the Internet merchant account. This account can be opened online within a few minutes. Payments made through credit cards after online shopping get transferred to your Internet merchant account within minutes of the completion of the transaction. However, sometime it may take a bit longer.
While opting for an e-commerce solution through online merchant account, several things have to be kept in mind, such as technical support, security, fees charged for maintaining your account, and commissions on various transactions.
If there is a problem opening a merchant account on the Internet, one can opt for a third-party processing company. This is an Internet merchant account which the company operates on your behalf. The payments made through credit cards for your products or services are transferred to your offline merchant account. There may small fees for opening such accounts, and later a commission is charged on transactions.
Various market surveys have indicated that accepting online payments through credit cards helps increase sales. This clearly implies that if you haven’t got an e-commerce solution for your business, you’d better start looking for one. You can start an Internet merchant account by filling out a simple online form and spending around 100 dollars or so.
Internet Merchant Accounts provides detailed information on Internet Merchant Accounts, Free Internet Merchant Accounts, Ecommerce Internet Merchant Accounts, Internet Merchant Credit Card Accounts and more. Internet Merchant Accounts is affiliated with International Ecommerce Merchant Accounts.
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Thursday, May 10, 2007
Internet Merchant Account
Internet Merchant Account Provider
By Alison Cole
An Internet merchant account is an account with a bank or a financial institution that allows a businessman to accept credit card payments from his clients via the Internet. The payment gateway essentially transmits the required data to the Internet merchant account provider. Most local banks, however, do not offer Internet merchant account capability.
There are reasons why local banks or financial institutions do not want to give online merchant accounts. One is because transactions through the Internet are completely unlike face-to-face transactions, where a signature from the customer is required to approve the purchase. Thus, online truncations are deemed susceptible to credit card fraud. When choosing an Internet merchant account provider, fraud protection should be one of your major considerations.
So, how much will it cost? Comprehending the costs of your merchant provider can be complicated. Characteristically, an Internet merchant account will have certain costs.
Many Internet merchant accounts require a fee for application. This fee, purportedly, is to cover their expenses for processing the application. In the case that you eventually do not open an Internet merchant account, they will still ask for the initial payment. Many providers waive these up front application fees, and it is recommended that one chooses a provider that does not require up front application fees.
Almost all Internet merchant providers need a “statement fee"" (as the monthly fee is commonly named); this is simply a different way to cover costs and make some money. It is difficult to find providers who do not ask for this type of payment.
Then there is the discount rate, which is usually between 2 to 4 percent. The discount rate is actually the sales commission that the provider earns on every sale. For instance, if the discount rate is 3% and you get a sale over your web site for $10, you will owe 30 cents to the Internet merchant provider.
The fixed transaction fee is somewhere between $0.20 and $0.30. It is the fixed fee portion of every sale. The fixed transaction fee, unlike the discount fee, is the same for every transaction. Whether you get a $10 sale or a $50 sale, the transaction fee will not change.
Also, there is the termination fee that can apply if you cancel your account within a particular period of time (generally a year). There are some merchant providers who require a three-year commitment from your side.
If a customer requests for a refund, an Internet merchant provider can charge you a separate fee (somewhere around $20).
Merchant Account Providers provides detailed information on Merchant Account Providers, Internet Merchant Account Provider, Merchant Account Service Providers, Become a Merchant Account Provider and more. Merchant Account Providers is affiliated with Free Webcam Chat.
Article Source:
By Alison Cole
An Internet merchant account is an account with a bank or a financial institution that allows a businessman to accept credit card payments from his clients via the Internet. The payment gateway essentially transmits the required data to the Internet merchant account provider. Most local banks, however, do not offer Internet merchant account capability.
There are reasons why local banks or financial institutions do not want to give online merchant accounts. One is because transactions through the Internet are completely unlike face-to-face transactions, where a signature from the customer is required to approve the purchase. Thus, online truncations are deemed susceptible to credit card fraud. When choosing an Internet merchant account provider, fraud protection should be one of your major considerations.
So, how much will it cost? Comprehending the costs of your merchant provider can be complicated. Characteristically, an Internet merchant account will have certain costs.
Many Internet merchant accounts require a fee for application. This fee, purportedly, is to cover their expenses for processing the application. In the case that you eventually do not open an Internet merchant account, they will still ask for the initial payment. Many providers waive these up front application fees, and it is recommended that one chooses a provider that does not require up front application fees.
Almost all Internet merchant providers need a “statement fee"" (as the monthly fee is commonly named); this is simply a different way to cover costs and make some money. It is difficult to find providers who do not ask for this type of payment.
Then there is the discount rate, which is usually between 2 to 4 percent. The discount rate is actually the sales commission that the provider earns on every sale. For instance, if the discount rate is 3% and you get a sale over your web site for $10, you will owe 30 cents to the Internet merchant provider.
The fixed transaction fee is somewhere between $0.20 and $0.30. It is the fixed fee portion of every sale. The fixed transaction fee, unlike the discount fee, is the same for every transaction. Whether you get a $10 sale or a $50 sale, the transaction fee will not change.
Also, there is the termination fee that can apply if you cancel your account within a particular period of time (generally a year). There are some merchant providers who require a three-year commitment from your side.
If a customer requests for a refund, an Internet merchant provider can charge you a separate fee (somewhere around $20).
Merchant Account Providers provides detailed information on Merchant Account Providers, Internet Merchant Account Provider, Merchant Account Service Providers, Become a Merchant Account Provider and more. Merchant Account Providers is affiliated with Free Webcam Chat.
Article Source:
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Internet Merchant Account
Merchant Account Basics
16th August 2006
Author: Steve Depraida
A Merchant account is an account at a bank or financial institution that permits you to accept credit card payments. You can acquire a merchant account from a merchant account provider or your bank.
A merchant account helps in boosting your business as when your account can accept credit cards you get instant payments. The whole process of receiving a payment is simplified and speedy, as it takes a lot less time then the conventional method of receiving payments. The whole processing time of credit card payment through the credit card machine or online account is lot shorter than the conventional methods.
If you increase the number of payment options for your customer it helps your business to grow. In case you are an online businessman this option provides the customer ease as well as flexibility of shopping, which in the long run converts into repeat purchases. Today majority of customers prefer credit card payment therefore it makes prudent business sense to opt for merchant account or merchant accounts.
Before establishing a merchant account it is necessary to check the credentials of the merchant account or merchant services Provider Company that is trustworthy and provides secure services. For online businesses real time processing is the best solution as the charge from the client's card is processed swiftly when the client places the order. The client or customer gets an email stating that the order has been processed and the money transfer is approved by the credit card company.
The credit card companies charge different fees for the credit card processing. The companies may charge an application fee, a monthly statement fee, an annual fee, a discount fee etc. The credit card company charges a transaction or the processing fee for each transaction that takes place. As different merchant account services charge different fees it is advisable that a thorough study is made before deciding which credit card processing company you choose. Make a monthly estimate of the current sales figure and project expenses.
Merchant accounts, is one of the largest merchant account processor in USA. It provides one of the best credit card processing solutions and efficient round the clock service. The main distinguishing features are a 90 day price match offer, same day approval for merchant account, instant online applications, no early cancellation fees, good quality credit card machines and terminal solutions.
Visit the site if you want to avail the merchant account services from, one of the best credit card processing companies in USA.
This article is free for republishing
16th August 2006
Author: Steve Depraida
A Merchant account is an account at a bank or financial institution that permits you to accept credit card payments. You can acquire a merchant account from a merchant account provider or your bank.
A merchant account helps in boosting your business as when your account can accept credit cards you get instant payments. The whole process of receiving a payment is simplified and speedy, as it takes a lot less time then the conventional method of receiving payments. The whole processing time of credit card payment through the credit card machine or online account is lot shorter than the conventional methods.
If you increase the number of payment options for your customer it helps your business to grow. In case you are an online businessman this option provides the customer ease as well as flexibility of shopping, which in the long run converts into repeat purchases. Today majority of customers prefer credit card payment therefore it makes prudent business sense to opt for merchant account or merchant accounts.
Before establishing a merchant account it is necessary to check the credentials of the merchant account or merchant services Provider Company that is trustworthy and provides secure services. For online businesses real time processing is the best solution as the charge from the client's card is processed swiftly when the client places the order. The client or customer gets an email stating that the order has been processed and the money transfer is approved by the credit card company.
The credit card companies charge different fees for the credit card processing. The companies may charge an application fee, a monthly statement fee, an annual fee, a discount fee etc. The credit card company charges a transaction or the processing fee for each transaction that takes place. As different merchant account services charge different fees it is advisable that a thorough study is made before deciding which credit card processing company you choose. Make a monthly estimate of the current sales figure and project expenses.
Merchant accounts, is one of the largest merchant account processor in USA. It provides one of the best credit card processing solutions and efficient round the clock service. The main distinguishing features are a 90 day price match offer, same day approval for merchant account, instant online applications, no early cancellation fees, good quality credit card machines and terminal solutions.
Visit the site if you want to avail the merchant account services from, one of the best credit card processing companies in USA.
This article is free for republishing
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Internet Merchant Account
New Merchant Account by Jack Chevalier
Easy Application for New Merchant Account A new merchant account is easy to apply for, especially if you go online. Prerequisites include being 18 years of age, having a legal business based in the United States, and having a legal checking account in this country. Some occupations and businesses are considered high-risk, and a separate application is necessary for these endeavors. A few of these are collection agencies, credit repair services, telemarketing, and investment opportunities. A regular business merchant account, however, requires some details about your business and yourself. Aside from the usual questions about name and address, you will need to know what percentage of your credit card business is online and what percentage is card-present (swiped). Automatic approval has easy guidelines--exceptions include merchants undergoing a bankruptcy that has not yet been discharged, and applications that have fraudulent entries.
Easy Merchant Account Setup A new merchant account can be up and running within one business day or within five-to-seven days, depending on which transmission methods you choose. As for how you get your funds, they are paid directly into your checking account in 24-48 hours. If you are the sole proprietor of your business or you are in a partnership, all owners' names must be on your checks, but a business account is not required. If your credit is less-than-perfect, you will still probably be eligible for a new merchant account, as electronic processing organizations deal with banks that provide services to all types of accounts. You do not need a dedicated phone line because electronic processing terminals have dual jacks to accommodate all necessary phones and peripherals. With 24-hour merchant support, any business owner can be assured of help and assistance when it is needed.
About the Author
Easy Application for New Merchant Account A new merchant account is easy to apply for, especially if you go online. Prerequisites include being 18 years of age, having a legal business based in the United States, and having a legal checking account in this country. Some occupations and businesses are considered high-risk, and a separate application is necessary for these endeavors. A few of these are collection agencies, credit repair services, telemarketing, and investment opportunities. A regular business merchant account, however, requires some details about your business and yourself. Aside from the usual questions about name and address, you will need to know what percentage of your credit card business is online and what percentage is card-present (swiped). Automatic approval has easy guidelines--exceptions include merchants undergoing a bankruptcy that has not yet been discharged, and applications that have fraudulent entries.
Easy Merchant Account Setup A new merchant account can be up and running within one business day or within five-to-seven days, depending on which transmission methods you choose. As for how you get your funds, they are paid directly into your checking account in 24-48 hours. If you are the sole proprietor of your business or you are in a partnership, all owners' names must be on your checks, but a business account is not required. If your credit is less-than-perfect, you will still probably be eligible for a new merchant account, as electronic processing organizations deal with banks that provide services to all types of accounts. You do not need a dedicated phone line because electronic processing terminals have dual jacks to accommodate all necessary phones and peripherals. With 24-hour merchant support, any business owner can be assured of help and assistance when it is needed.
About the Author
Friday, May 4, 2007
Internet Merchant Account
Contactless Payments Merchant Accounts by Pat A. McDavitt
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = = = = = = = = = = = You are welcome to publish this article free of charge provided: * You include the byline * Byline includes functioning links to:, * You don't change the article in any way * You provide a courtesy copy once published * You are not allowed to use this article in UCE (Unsolicited Commercial Email) or SPAM. This article MUST be distributed in an opt-in email list only. In doing so you agree to indemnify C. J. & Tuck Consulting, LLC and its directors, officers, employees and agents from and against all losses, claims, damages and liabilities which arise out of its use * Article Title: Contactless Payments Merchant Accounts Author: Pat A. McDavitt Word Count: 1021 = = = = = = = = = = = = = =Article Start= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Contactless Payments Merchant Accounts
Consumers don't like carrying cash but are wary of handing over a credit card because of the risk of credit card fraud.
But what's the alternative?
Contactless payments.
The next generation of electronic payment, contactless payments don't require the customer to hand over their card. The whole transaction is completed electronically, and their card never leaves their hand. It's faster, easier and much more secure.
But what about the merchant? Should cash-heavy merchants rush into setting up a contactless payments merchant account? The answer is a resounding yes! Contactless payments merchant accounts deliver even greater benefits to merchants than it does to consumers. Read on to find out how.
What is Contactless Payment?
Contactless payments merchant accounts are the third generation of electronic payments. (The first generation was the old plastic credit card, and the second was the magnetic stripe card.) Merchants with contactless payments merchant accounts enable customers to use their credit cards for purchases without ever handing their card over. Contactless payments merchant account transactions use one of the following methods: * Contactless readers; * Retailer cards/fobs; * NFC (near field communication) enabled cell phone payment software; or * Back end processing/over the air payment software.
Customers love it!
Research shows that 86% of consumers want to carry less cash, and most carry less than $20. (Survey was conducted in 2005 by lpsos and commissioned by MasterCard). They're growing more comfortable using credit, but they're still quite worried about security issues when handing over their card. In fact, 91% of likely users would feel more secure if they were allowed to hold their payment card through their entire payment process.
And then there's ease of use, speed and convenience. Nationwide, almost 75% of respondents refuse to wait in line longer than five minutes for a purchase of less than $25, and more than 25% refuse to wait longer than just two minutes.
So how does contactless payment compare in terms of speed? Very well, in fact... It takes only 1/3 to ½ of the time of the average cash or traditional credit card transaction:
* CVS Pharmacy Average Cash Transaction = 33.7 seconds * Average Card Transaction (w/o Signature = 26.7 seconds * Average RF Transaction = 12.5 seconds So contactless payments increase customers' sense of security and decrease hated wait-times. It's no surprise, then, that customers love it!
And the growth rate of contactless payments merchant accounts shows it. According to Brian Triplett, senior vice president for emerging product development-Visa USA, "The adoption rate is the fastest we've seen for any new technology. I do expect we will continue to see significant growth; whether it's double or triple we'll have to wait and see."
What are the Benefits for Merchants?
The most obvious benefit for merchants in having contactless payments merchant accounts is that consumers love it, so they'll use it more often and spend more.
But the benefits don't end there. Contactless payments merchant accounts also:
* Leverage 'Top of Wallet' convenience - Like traditional credit cards (and unlike cash), the customer's card is always in their wallet, which means they're more likely to spend, simply because they can. * Deliver increased merchant differentiation - Particularly in the early days of adoption, merchants with contactless payments merchant accounts will 'stand out from the crowd.' They'll offer consumers a new and exciting way to pay for goods and services. * Are cheaper to operate - Transactions clear as a card-present, magnetic stripe-read transaction, but card readers are a fraction of the cost of a new POS terminal. * Increase efficiency - Businesses with contactless payments merchant accounts enjoy much more rapid check-out times during peak hours. * Are easy to install and upgrade - The hardware for contactless payments merchant accounts is all plug-n-play. * Increase customer loyalty - Studies show that customers return to the participating merchant's location on an average of two times a month. * Leverage a general consumer movement away from cash (20%) - Even customers who don't specifically love contactless payment probably DO specifically dislike cash. By offering them an alternative, businesses increase the likelihood of a sale.
Put simply, businesses with contactless payments merchant accounts enjoy increased transaction volume (average 45%) and increased ticket size (average 20%).
What Merchants Benefit Most from Contactless Payments Merchant Accounts?
Contactless payments merchant accounts are ideal for cash-heavy merchants. Target industries include: * QSR * Petroleum & C-store * Book Stores * Dry Cleaners * Video Rental * Pharmacy * Grocery * Parking * Movie Theaters * Stadiums & Arenas * Theme Parks * Events * Cafeterias (Schools & Corporate) * Taxis * Transit * Vending * News Stands * Parking Garages
Conclusion - The Future of Contactless Payments Merchant Accounts?
Contactless payment offers significant bottom-line benefits to merchants. It's the next generation payment system that's faster, easier, more secure and more convenient for consumers, which means it facilitates more sales (greater volume transaction) of greater value (ticket lift) for merchants. It's a win-win situation! = = = = = = = = = = = = = =Article End= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
About the Author
C. J. & Tuck Consulting, LLC owns and operates We specialize in Electronic Payment Processing Services and offer low cost Contactless Payments Merchant Accounts. For more information, contact: Pat A. McDavitt, Sole Manager of C. J. & Tuck Consulting, LLC Go to: to visit my web site. Go to: to request a free report about me.
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= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = = = = = = = = = = = You are welcome to publish this article free of charge provided: * You include the byline * Byline includes functioning links to:, * You don't change the article in any way * You provide a courtesy copy once published * You are not allowed to use this article in UCE (Unsolicited Commercial Email) or SPAM. This article MUST be distributed in an opt-in email list only. In doing so you agree to indemnify C. J. & Tuck Consulting, LLC and its directors, officers, employees and agents from and against all losses, claims, damages and liabilities which arise out of its use * Article Title: Contactless Payments Merchant Accounts Author: Pat A. McDavitt Word Count: 1021 = = = = = = = = = = = = = =Article Start= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Contactless Payments Merchant Accounts
Consumers don't like carrying cash but are wary of handing over a credit card because of the risk of credit card fraud.
But what's the alternative?
Contactless payments.
The next generation of electronic payment, contactless payments don't require the customer to hand over their card. The whole transaction is completed electronically, and their card never leaves their hand. It's faster, easier and much more secure.
But what about the merchant? Should cash-heavy merchants rush into setting up a contactless payments merchant account? The answer is a resounding yes! Contactless payments merchant accounts deliver even greater benefits to merchants than it does to consumers. Read on to find out how.
What is Contactless Payment?
Contactless payments merchant accounts are the third generation of electronic payments. (The first generation was the old plastic credit card, and the second was the magnetic stripe card.) Merchants with contactless payments merchant accounts enable customers to use their credit cards for purchases without ever handing their card over. Contactless payments merchant account transactions use one of the following methods: * Contactless readers; * Retailer cards/fobs; * NFC (near field communication) enabled cell phone payment software; or * Back end processing/over the air payment software.
Customers love it!
Research shows that 86% of consumers want to carry less cash, and most carry less than $20. (Survey was conducted in 2005 by lpsos and commissioned by MasterCard). They're growing more comfortable using credit, but they're still quite worried about security issues when handing over their card. In fact, 91% of likely users would feel more secure if they were allowed to hold their payment card through their entire payment process.
And then there's ease of use, speed and convenience. Nationwide, almost 75% of respondents refuse to wait in line longer than five minutes for a purchase of less than $25, and more than 25% refuse to wait longer than just two minutes.
So how does contactless payment compare in terms of speed? Very well, in fact... It takes only 1/3 to ½ of the time of the average cash or traditional credit card transaction:
* CVS Pharmacy Average Cash Transaction = 33.7 seconds * Average Card Transaction (w/o Signature = 26.7 seconds * Average RF Transaction = 12.5 seconds So contactless payments increase customers' sense of security and decrease hated wait-times. It's no surprise, then, that customers love it!
And the growth rate of contactless payments merchant accounts shows it. According to Brian Triplett, senior vice president for emerging product development-Visa USA, "The adoption rate is the fastest we've seen for any new technology. I do expect we will continue to see significant growth; whether it's double or triple we'll have to wait and see."
What are the Benefits for Merchants?
The most obvious benefit for merchants in having contactless payments merchant accounts is that consumers love it, so they'll use it more often and spend more.
But the benefits don't end there. Contactless payments merchant accounts also:
* Leverage 'Top of Wallet' convenience - Like traditional credit cards (and unlike cash), the customer's card is always in their wallet, which means they're more likely to spend, simply because they can. * Deliver increased merchant differentiation - Particularly in the early days of adoption, merchants with contactless payments merchant accounts will 'stand out from the crowd.' They'll offer consumers a new and exciting way to pay for goods and services. * Are cheaper to operate - Transactions clear as a card-present, magnetic stripe-read transaction, but card readers are a fraction of the cost of a new POS terminal. * Increase efficiency - Businesses with contactless payments merchant accounts enjoy much more rapid check-out times during peak hours. * Are easy to install and upgrade - The hardware for contactless payments merchant accounts is all plug-n-play. * Increase customer loyalty - Studies show that customers return to the participating merchant's location on an average of two times a month. * Leverage a general consumer movement away from cash (20%) - Even customers who don't specifically love contactless payment probably DO specifically dislike cash. By offering them an alternative, businesses increase the likelihood of a sale.
Put simply, businesses with contactless payments merchant accounts enjoy increased transaction volume (average 45%) and increased ticket size (average 20%).
What Merchants Benefit Most from Contactless Payments Merchant Accounts?
Contactless payments merchant accounts are ideal for cash-heavy merchants. Target industries include: * QSR * Petroleum & C-store * Book Stores * Dry Cleaners * Video Rental * Pharmacy * Grocery * Parking * Movie Theaters * Stadiums & Arenas * Theme Parks * Events * Cafeterias (Schools & Corporate) * Taxis * Transit * Vending * News Stands * Parking Garages
Conclusion - The Future of Contactless Payments Merchant Accounts?
Contactless payment offers significant bottom-line benefits to merchants. It's the next generation payment system that's faster, easier, more secure and more convenient for consumers, which means it facilitates more sales (greater volume transaction) of greater value (ticket lift) for merchants. It's a win-win situation! = = = = = = = = = = = = = =Article End= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
About the Author
C. J. & Tuck Consulting, LLC owns and operates We specialize in Electronic Payment Processing Services and offer low cost Contactless Payments Merchant Accounts. For more information, contact: Pat A. McDavitt, Sole Manager of C. J. & Tuck Consulting, LLC Go to: to visit my web site. Go to: to request a free report about me.
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Thursday, May 3, 2007
Internet Merchant Account
How to Receive Payments for Your Online Sales
By Nowshade Kabir
Once you decide which products you are planning to sell on the
Internet, and what type of web store you are going to use in
order to display your products, next vital decision that you have
to take is to figure out how your customers are going to pay you.
Whatever you plan to sell online, accepting credit card
transaction is a must! A full 90 percent of all online sales
occur through credit card payments.
There are two ways you can add e-commerce capabilities to your
1. Having your own merchant account
2. Using third party processors
What is a merchant account?
A merchant account is a special kind of bank account where funds
received from credit card transactions are first routed to the
special account and held there before being remitted to your
business account. You as an online merchant will need an account
called “Card Not Present Merchant Account”.
Having the merchant account is, actually, the first step in
processing credit cards online. You will also need a payment
gateway. A payment gateway is a service provided by billing
processor which allows real time authorization of online
transactions. The payment gateway you choose to work with has to
be compatible with your shopping cart. Three top payment Gateway
providers are AuthorizeNet (,
Verisign ( and USAePay
( All payment gateway providers have
their own merchant solutions. Most banks, today, work with
partner payment gateway providers and are fully capable of
furnishing with a merchant solution.
If you are just starting an online business and you don’t think
that your sales will generate more than a thousand dollars a
month, you will be better of with a third party processor.
However, once your sales become a few thousand you will save a
bundle by switching to a merchant account.
With 72 million accounts worldwide and payment volume which is
growing at a rate of 44 percent each year, PayPal by far is the
most popular third party processor on the Internet.
PayPal is a simple and affordable payment solution for those
online merchants who are unable to or don’t want to go through
the complex process of setting up a bank merchant account.
At present, PayPal has four unique solutions for merchants.
PayPal Website Payments Standard: This solution allows you to
accept credit cards on your website. However, the transaction is
processed on the PayPal secure server. The customer can choose to
pay either by credit card or PayPal. If you don’t have shopping
cart as yet, you may get one from PayPal; or you can integrate
PayPal solution to your existing shopping cart.
Cost: No monthly fee. No setup fees. No cancellation fees.
Transaction Fees are 1.9% to 2.9% + $0.30 US$.
PayPal Website Payments Pro: This solution is virtually same as
having your own merchant account. If a customer pays by a credit
card, PayPal works as a payment gateway for you. The customer
does not leave your website at anytime if she pays you by a
credit card.
Cost: $20.00 US$ monthly fee. No setup fees. No cancellation
fees. Transaction Fees are 2.2% to 2.9% + $0.30 US$.
PayPal Email Payments: This is the payment system PayPal started
with. You send invoice to your customers by email and get paid on
Cost: No monthly fee. No setup fees. No cancellation fees.
Transaction Fees are 1.9% to 2.9% + $0.30 US$.
PayPal as an Additional Payment Option: If you already have a
merchant account and you would like to add PayPal to your
existing payment solutions, you can use this option.
If you are planning to sell products through eBay, you definitely
should have PayPal option. According to eBay, three out of four
eBay customers choose to pay by PayPal.
When you use PayPal as your primary processor, make sure that you
have at least one more alternative payment solution handy. The
reason is many disgruntled former users of PayPal claim that
PayPal might freeze your account anytime without any apparent
reason. Read for more information.
However, According to a new report, Merchant losses from fraud on
PayPal are now only 0.17% of revenues, vs. 1.8% for online
merchants that accept credit cards through merchant accounts.
This gives one more reason to use PayPal.
If you are facing problems to get a merchant account due to the
factor that you are not located in the US, WorldPay could be the
solution for you. WorldPay is a one-stop solution for your
merchant account, payment gateway and store front. The payment
option comes with fraud protection and risk management
applications to safeguard your business. Based in England,
WorldPay is a division of Royal Bank of Scotland.
Cost: If you compare with PayPal, WorldPay’s fees are pretty
stiff. 50 US$ monthly fee. 400 US$ setup fee. Transaction Fees
are 3.25% + $0.40 US$. The charge for multicurrency processing is
5.25% per transaction.
2Checkout works as an online distribution center. When
customer buys a product from your website through 2checkout, you
actually make your sale to 2checkout for immediate resale to your
customer. Customers are billed by 2checkout not you. 2checkout
accepts vendors from virtually all over the world. You can also
set up recurring billing through 2checkout.
Cost: No monthly fee. 49 US$ setup fee. Transaction Fee:
5.5% + $0.30 US$.
For selling e-books, reports and other similar digital products, is probably your best option. The great thing about
ClickBank is it has over 100 thousand affiliates promoting
products available on the ClickBank marketplace. By listing your
product with ClickBank, you automatically tap into a huge
potential market. ClickBank accepts all major credit cards and
Cost: 50 US$ set up fee. Depending on the percentage of the
commission you pay to your affiliates, transaction fee varies
from 2.5% plus 0.33 US$ to 7.5% plus 1 US$.
There are many other third party processing companies available
on the Internet. Two of them worth mentioning are and
Since fees fluctuate considerably from one solution to another
depending on your location, products and other needs, make sure
to do a thorough research before signing up with any of the
mentioned providers.
Nowshade Kabir, is the founder, primary developer and present
CEO of – a Global B2B Exchange with solutions to
create e-catalog, Web store, business process management and
other features to run a business online. You can read various
articles written by Nowshade Kabir at
Article Source:
By Nowshade Kabir
Once you decide which products you are planning to sell on the
Internet, and what type of web store you are going to use in
order to display your products, next vital decision that you have
to take is to figure out how your customers are going to pay you.
Whatever you plan to sell online, accepting credit card
transaction is a must! A full 90 percent of all online sales
occur through credit card payments.
There are two ways you can add e-commerce capabilities to your
1. Having your own merchant account
2. Using third party processors
What is a merchant account?
A merchant account is a special kind of bank account where funds
received from credit card transactions are first routed to the
special account and held there before being remitted to your
business account. You as an online merchant will need an account
called “Card Not Present Merchant Account”.
Having the merchant account is, actually, the first step in
processing credit cards online. You will also need a payment
gateway. A payment gateway is a service provided by billing
processor which allows real time authorization of online
transactions. The payment gateway you choose to work with has to
be compatible with your shopping cart. Three top payment Gateway
providers are AuthorizeNet (,
Verisign ( and USAePay
( All payment gateway providers have
their own merchant solutions. Most banks, today, work with
partner payment gateway providers and are fully capable of
furnishing with a merchant solution.
If you are just starting an online business and you don’t think
that your sales will generate more than a thousand dollars a
month, you will be better of with a third party processor.
However, once your sales become a few thousand you will save a
bundle by switching to a merchant account.
With 72 million accounts worldwide and payment volume which is
growing at a rate of 44 percent each year, PayPal by far is the
most popular third party processor on the Internet.
PayPal is a simple and affordable payment solution for those
online merchants who are unable to or don’t want to go through
the complex process of setting up a bank merchant account.
At present, PayPal has four unique solutions for merchants.
PayPal Website Payments Standard: This solution allows you to
accept credit cards on your website. However, the transaction is
processed on the PayPal secure server. The customer can choose to
pay either by credit card or PayPal. If you don’t have shopping
cart as yet, you may get one from PayPal; or you can integrate
PayPal solution to your existing shopping cart.
Cost: No monthly fee. No setup fees. No cancellation fees.
Transaction Fees are 1.9% to 2.9% + $0.30 US$.
PayPal Website Payments Pro: This solution is virtually same as
having your own merchant account. If a customer pays by a credit
card, PayPal works as a payment gateway for you. The customer
does not leave your website at anytime if she pays you by a
credit card.
Cost: $20.00 US$ monthly fee. No setup fees. No cancellation
fees. Transaction Fees are 2.2% to 2.9% + $0.30 US$.
PayPal Email Payments: This is the payment system PayPal started
with. You send invoice to your customers by email and get paid on
Cost: No monthly fee. No setup fees. No cancellation fees.
Transaction Fees are 1.9% to 2.9% + $0.30 US$.
PayPal as an Additional Payment Option: If you already have a
merchant account and you would like to add PayPal to your
existing payment solutions, you can use this option.
If you are planning to sell products through eBay, you definitely
should have PayPal option. According to eBay, three out of four
eBay customers choose to pay by PayPal.
When you use PayPal as your primary processor, make sure that you
have at least one more alternative payment solution handy. The
reason is many disgruntled former users of PayPal claim that
PayPal might freeze your account anytime without any apparent
reason. Read for more information.
However, According to a new report, Merchant losses from fraud on
PayPal are now only 0.17% of revenues, vs. 1.8% for online
merchants that accept credit cards through merchant accounts.
This gives one more reason to use PayPal.
If you are facing problems to get a merchant account due to the
factor that you are not located in the US, WorldPay could be the
solution for you. WorldPay is a one-stop solution for your
merchant account, payment gateway and store front. The payment
option comes with fraud protection and risk management
applications to safeguard your business. Based in England,
WorldPay is a division of Royal Bank of Scotland.
Cost: If you compare with PayPal, WorldPay’s fees are pretty
stiff. 50 US$ monthly fee. 400 US$ setup fee. Transaction Fees
are 3.25% + $0.40 US$. The charge for multicurrency processing is
5.25% per transaction.
2Checkout works as an online distribution center. When
customer buys a product from your website through 2checkout, you
actually make your sale to 2checkout for immediate resale to your
customer. Customers are billed by 2checkout not you. 2checkout
accepts vendors from virtually all over the world. You can also
set up recurring billing through 2checkout.
Cost: No monthly fee. 49 US$ setup fee. Transaction Fee:
5.5% + $0.30 US$.
For selling e-books, reports and other similar digital products, is probably your best option. The great thing about
ClickBank is it has over 100 thousand affiliates promoting
products available on the ClickBank marketplace. By listing your
product with ClickBank, you automatically tap into a huge
potential market. ClickBank accepts all major credit cards and
Cost: 50 US$ set up fee. Depending on the percentage of the
commission you pay to your affiliates, transaction fee varies
from 2.5% plus 0.33 US$ to 7.5% plus 1 US$.
There are many other third party processing companies available
on the Internet. Two of them worth mentioning are and
Since fees fluctuate considerably from one solution to another
depending on your location, products and other needs, make sure
to do a thorough research before signing up with any of the
mentioned providers.
Nowshade Kabir, is the founder, primary developer and present
CEO of – a Global B2B Exchange with solutions to
create e-catalog, Web store, business process management and
other features to run a business online. You can read various
articles written by Nowshade Kabir at
Article Source:
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Internet Merchant Account
Online Merchant Services
By Alison Cole
An online merchant service is one that enables you to make payments on the internet. Typically, online merchant services work through Internet merchant accounts that are provided through an acquiring bank. This acquirer effectively allows you to accept or make payments through credit cards online. As it is the case with almost any business decision, there are a number of both advantages as well as disadvantages to online systems of payment and also to other types of processors of credit card. On a general basis, the advantages tend to be tied to having a direct control of the system for processing the payment. On the flip side the disadvantages tend to revolve around factors like mechanics, logistics, and security. The responsibility for the entire process of payment is a very risky affair and needs to be contemplated to avoid any loopholes.
A major concern that a lot of people face is the costs incurred to obtain online merchant services. There are a multitude of potential fees and costs that are associated with even designing an ecommerce web site that would provide these services. If you are looking to set up such a web service to enhance your business process then you need to consider potential charges for the same. Various credit card merchant account fees will crop up from each provider who is involved in assisting you to establish your ecommerce web site. The merchant service set up will involve application fees, the actual set-up fees, not to mention yearly membership charges. There are also other factors like monthly statement charges and gateway access fees. The list is quite long and so you will need to look into it in a comprehensive manner as it is easy to misinterpret the fee structures. This is because very rarely are all the exact costs related to ecommerce revealed in a single place. However in the end the set up of such an online merchant service could prove to be extremely beneficial to your trade and could leverage your customer base.
Merchant Services provides detailed information on merchant services, e-commerce merchant services, high risk merchant accounts, internet merchant services and more. Merchant Services is affiliated with Internet Merchant Accounts.
Article Source:
By Alison Cole
An online merchant service is one that enables you to make payments on the internet. Typically, online merchant services work through Internet merchant accounts that are provided through an acquiring bank. This acquirer effectively allows you to accept or make payments through credit cards online. As it is the case with almost any business decision, there are a number of both advantages as well as disadvantages to online systems of payment and also to other types of processors of credit card. On a general basis, the advantages tend to be tied to having a direct control of the system for processing the payment. On the flip side the disadvantages tend to revolve around factors like mechanics, logistics, and security. The responsibility for the entire process of payment is a very risky affair and needs to be contemplated to avoid any loopholes.
A major concern that a lot of people face is the costs incurred to obtain online merchant services. There are a multitude of potential fees and costs that are associated with even designing an ecommerce web site that would provide these services. If you are looking to set up such a web service to enhance your business process then you need to consider potential charges for the same. Various credit card merchant account fees will crop up from each provider who is involved in assisting you to establish your ecommerce web site. The merchant service set up will involve application fees, the actual set-up fees, not to mention yearly membership charges. There are also other factors like monthly statement charges and gateway access fees. The list is quite long and so you will need to look into it in a comprehensive manner as it is easy to misinterpret the fee structures. This is because very rarely are all the exact costs related to ecommerce revealed in a single place. However in the end the set up of such an online merchant service could prove to be extremely beneficial to your trade and could leverage your customer base.
Merchant Services provides detailed information on merchant services, e-commerce merchant services, high risk merchant accounts, internet merchant services and more. Merchant Services is affiliated with Internet Merchant Accounts.
Article Source:
Monday, April 30, 2007
Internet Merchant Accounts
Internet Merchant Accounts For Innocents Abroad
By T. O' Donnell
If you want to sell on the internet, your need to accept credit
cards. To accept credit cards, you need a merchant account, or
access to one. There're two ways of getting this: Get your own
merchant account, or 'pimp' off someone else's.
The latter is the option most new merchants choose. You use a
third-party to process your payments, and they take percentage.
Here are a few popular ones: (
I don't recommend them as your main processor. See PayPal is popular because it was
'firstest with the mostest' on auction sites. For this reason,
eBay bought them out. alleges that if you have
a bad order they freeze your account, and can even dip into
your bank account to make up any shortfalls. Mitigating
circumstances are not taken into account. I've read enough
complaints about PayPal on webmaster forums to heed them.
The usual rejoinder is; "But I've never had any problems with
PayPal". To which is usually retorted "Just wait 'till you get
a chargeback!"
A chargeback occurs when someone asks their credit-card company
for a refund. They say they didn't get the goods, or they never
made the order, or the goods were not as advertised. This is
passed on to the processor, who in turn debits the merchant. Or
drops him entirely. You don't want too many of these.
I've used them for years for small amounts, with no problem,
but on the basis of others' complaints in webmaster forums, I
wouldn't use them for large ones. Don't leave large amounts 'on
deposit' in any internet-based company; they're not banks, and
even banks go bust occasionally.
The best use for PayPal is to entice customers who already use
it. Find another provider to be your main one. One like ... (
This is a factoring service like PayPal. Unlike them, they have
a pretty good reputation with webmasters. Like PayPal, they
don't provide you with a merchant account; they process your
orders through their own.
This is why such sites have to be very stringent; they are
answerable to their own merchant account provider. Too many
bogus orders, and they go out of business.
This is why third-party factoring services like 2Checkout are
very useful to a newbie merchant: fraud prevention. They can
screen out suspicious orders.
Most merchants would like to think they can sell worldwide. The
fact is most of the world is poor; MOST countries can't afford
your goods. So some citizens try to get them fraudulently.
A smart merchant would bar most of the world from accessing his
cart, and only accept orders from the USA, Canada, western
Europe, Australia and New Zealand, and his home country. Harsh,
but you'll sleep better at night.
WorldPay (
A well-regarded service. I found adding it to the Oscommerce
cart ( a bit of a chore, but it
worked. More expensive to join than 2Checkout. You don't hear
many gripes about WorldPay, which is rare in webmaster circles. (
Handy if you're selling a few items of inexpensive software to
start off your business. They'll let you up the price once
they're sure of you. I managed to get them to go up to $150
(whoo!). I was very jealous of their system. It's well designed
and extremely 'viral'; they're basically a huge affiliate
program. Join ClickBank, and others will try and sell your
product for you.
They allow you to block whole continents from trying to buy
your product, and that is good. The odds are that a $25 order
for an ebook, from a third-world country, is fraudulent.
If an order looks dodgy, it probably is. Contact the customer
by 'phone or email. If you don't get a satisfactory reply,
refund the card.
When you're making $1000+ a month, get your own merchant
MerchantSeek (
A useful collection of affiliate links to merchant account and
processing providers. Scroll down their front page to their
search tool. You can find an account that suits your needs.
This is most helpful to non-U.S. merchants, or those seeking
'international merchant accounts'.
In the UK, look for 'merchant services' at:
Barclays bank (
NatWest (
Bank Of Scotland (
Royal Bank Of Scotland (
Streamline (
UK processing services are:
Secpay (
Netbanx (
Protx (
Having one's own merchant account means paying less in
processing fees.
IMPORTANT: You should specify up-front that you are looking for
an internet merchant account. Internet transactions are viewed
as higher risk than those by bricks-and-mortar businesses. The
technical term is 'card not present'.
Some things you may need, if applying for an internet merchant
account of your own:
Business bank account;
Photocopy of a voided cheque for said account;
Copy of the articles of incorporation of your company;
Photocopy of your return policy information;
Trade references;
Photocopy of your driver's license or passport.
In short, you need to prove that both you and your company are
what you say they are. Your account provider is taking a chance
on you. You might send them a ton of bogus orders. A bank is a
business too, not a community service. Help them to make the
right decision! The more you can establish that you are
bona-fide, the lower the cost of your account.
Things to avoid, if you can:
a) Expensive credit-card processing software rental or
b) Monthly fees.
c) High discounts (the % of your sales they keep).
d) Fat fees up front (anything over $500 is a joke).
e) Salesmen calling you up with a spiel.
f) Getting lumbered with hiring their shopping cart as well.
Things to look out for at sites offering merchant accounts:
If you need to maintain a U.S. presence - full U.S.
incorporation, U.S. server, U.S. offices, U.S. bank account -
or NOT.
Also if they want a deposit, and the size of their application
fee. And the usual monthly minimums, discounts etc.
Avoid getting into any software purchase or equipment rental.
You can sort all that out later, for less money. There are
plenty of good payment gateways, like
( just itching for your business.
PS: Don't accept a merchant account from an Eastern European
bank. I did, some years ago. The bank went bust. One guy wailed
on Usenet that he'd lost $10,000 dollars. Luckily for me,
business was bad that year!
About the Author: T. O' Donnell ( is an
ecommerce consultant in London, UK. His latest projects are a
mortgage calculator and ebook, available at
By T. O' Donnell
If you want to sell on the internet, your need to accept credit
cards. To accept credit cards, you need a merchant account, or
access to one. There're two ways of getting this: Get your own
merchant account, or 'pimp' off someone else's.
The latter is the option most new merchants choose. You use a
third-party to process your payments, and they take percentage.
Here are a few popular ones: (
I don't recommend them as your main processor. See PayPal is popular because it was
'firstest with the mostest' on auction sites. For this reason,
eBay bought them out. alleges that if you have
a bad order they freeze your account, and can even dip into
your bank account to make up any shortfalls. Mitigating
circumstances are not taken into account. I've read enough
complaints about PayPal on webmaster forums to heed them.
The usual rejoinder is; "But I've never had any problems with
PayPal". To which is usually retorted "Just wait 'till you get
a chargeback!"
A chargeback occurs when someone asks their credit-card company
for a refund. They say they didn't get the goods, or they never
made the order, or the goods were not as advertised. This is
passed on to the processor, who in turn debits the merchant. Or
drops him entirely. You don't want too many of these.
I've used them for years for small amounts, with no problem,
but on the basis of others' complaints in webmaster forums, I
wouldn't use them for large ones. Don't leave large amounts 'on
deposit' in any internet-based company; they're not banks, and
even banks go bust occasionally.
The best use for PayPal is to entice customers who already use
it. Find another provider to be your main one. One like ... (
This is a factoring service like PayPal. Unlike them, they have
a pretty good reputation with webmasters. Like PayPal, they
don't provide you with a merchant account; they process your
orders through their own.
This is why such sites have to be very stringent; they are
answerable to their own merchant account provider. Too many
bogus orders, and they go out of business.
This is why third-party factoring services like 2Checkout are
very useful to a newbie merchant: fraud prevention. They can
screen out suspicious orders.
Most merchants would like to think they can sell worldwide. The
fact is most of the world is poor; MOST countries can't afford
your goods. So some citizens try to get them fraudulently.
A smart merchant would bar most of the world from accessing his
cart, and only accept orders from the USA, Canada, western
Europe, Australia and New Zealand, and his home country. Harsh,
but you'll sleep better at night.
WorldPay (
A well-regarded service. I found adding it to the Oscommerce
cart ( a bit of a chore, but it
worked. More expensive to join than 2Checkout. You don't hear
many gripes about WorldPay, which is rare in webmaster circles. (
Handy if you're selling a few items of inexpensive software to
start off your business. They'll let you up the price once
they're sure of you. I managed to get them to go up to $150
(whoo!). I was very jealous of their system. It's well designed
and extremely 'viral'; they're basically a huge affiliate
program. Join ClickBank, and others will try and sell your
product for you.
They allow you to block whole continents from trying to buy
your product, and that is good. The odds are that a $25 order
for an ebook, from a third-world country, is fraudulent.
If an order looks dodgy, it probably is. Contact the customer
by 'phone or email. If you don't get a satisfactory reply,
refund the card.
When you're making $1000+ a month, get your own merchant
MerchantSeek (
A useful collection of affiliate links to merchant account and
processing providers. Scroll down their front page to their
search tool. You can find an account that suits your needs.
This is most helpful to non-U.S. merchants, or those seeking
'international merchant accounts'.
In the UK, look for 'merchant services' at:
Barclays bank (
NatWest (
Bank Of Scotland (
Royal Bank Of Scotland (
Streamline (
UK processing services are:
Secpay (
Netbanx (
Protx (
Having one's own merchant account means paying less in
processing fees.
IMPORTANT: You should specify up-front that you are looking for
an internet merchant account. Internet transactions are viewed
as higher risk than those by bricks-and-mortar businesses. The
technical term is 'card not present'.
Some things you may need, if applying for an internet merchant
account of your own:
Business bank account;
Photocopy of a voided cheque for said account;
Copy of the articles of incorporation of your company;
Photocopy of your return policy information;
Trade references;
Photocopy of your driver's license or passport.
In short, you need to prove that both you and your company are
what you say they are. Your account provider is taking a chance
on you. You might send them a ton of bogus orders. A bank is a
business too, not a community service. Help them to make the
right decision! The more you can establish that you are
bona-fide, the lower the cost of your account.
Things to avoid, if you can:
a) Expensive credit-card processing software rental or
b) Monthly fees.
c) High discounts (the % of your sales they keep).
d) Fat fees up front (anything over $500 is a joke).
e) Salesmen calling you up with a spiel.
f) Getting lumbered with hiring their shopping cart as well.
Things to look out for at sites offering merchant accounts:
If you need to maintain a U.S. presence - full U.S.
incorporation, U.S. server, U.S. offices, U.S. bank account -
or NOT.
Also if they want a deposit, and the size of their application
fee. And the usual monthly minimums, discounts etc.
Avoid getting into any software purchase or equipment rental.
You can sort all that out later, for less money. There are
plenty of good payment gateways, like
( just itching for your business.
PS: Don't accept a merchant account from an Eastern European
bank. I did, some years ago. The bank went bust. One guy wailed
on Usenet that he'd lost $10,000 dollars. Luckily for me,
business was bad that year!
About the Author: T. O' Donnell ( is an
ecommerce consultant in London, UK. His latest projects are a
mortgage calculator and ebook, available at
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Internet Merchant Account

Wireless Merchant Account?
By Shane Penrod
A wireless merchant account can bring your business into the
21st century by enabling you to accept credit payments while on
the go. All you have to do is get approved for a merchant
account and then purchase or lease a wireless credit card
processor that can be transported from one location to another
by employees who collect credit payments from customers. Here’s
how it works.
1. Apply for a wireless merchant account by finding a reputable
merchant services provider to partner with. You can browse many
kinds of merchant account Websites on the Internet to find
those that will approve your company for a commercial account
that will let you accept credit card payments using a wireless
processor. Shop for banks, credit unions, or other financial
institutions that offer merchant services. Apply online, by
mail, or in person with local providers. In many cases you can
get a response within a matter of hours, or at most, a day or
two. Most underwriters look at an application to determine
whether a company has a good credit history, is able to make
monthly payments on a merchant account, and is not involved in
a questionable or unsavory business.
2. Once you have been approved for a wireless merchant account,
you can immediately select the equipment you would like to use.
Check out several units to find one that is the right size and
weight for your company’s needs, especially if it will be
transported for off-site credit processing. You also should be
eligible to get a regular credit card processor to plug into
any outlet in your store or another location, if preferred.
Many units combine printer and terminal for greater
convenience. Purchase prices vary greatly, but you can expect
to spend several hundred dollars to purchase a quality wireless
unit. Your merchant account extras can add to the cost, with the
potential for application, maintenance, service, gateway, and
discount fees, among others. Find out in advance what you will
have to pay for a particular deal up front, monthly, and
annually, and make sure the expenses fit with your company
operating budget.
3. After implementing wireless merchant account equipment, see
how it works for your customers and the degree to which the
company benefits. Processing credit payments can help to
increase profits, since more customers may be eager to make
purchases when they have the flexibility to pay in credit as
opposed to paying in cash or by check. If the initial set-up
works well, you may decide to move on to other electronic
items, like a pager, a check and debit processor, and other
types of equipment that can help your company operate smoothly
and efficiently. Don’t go overboard with buying fancy features
that you really don’t need. Simply purchase or lease the
technology that addresses a specific need that you have already
identified. If it works, you can always add more later. If it
doesn’t, you’re only out the investment on the one item.
About the Author: Shane Penrod is the founder of Specializing in allowing merchants
the ability to shop and compare multiple quotes from national
merchant account providers. For free quotes on merchant account
rates and fees, please go to
Friday, April 27, 2007
Internet Merchant Account

6 Questions To Ask A Merchant Account Provider
By Barry Allen
The future of successful businesses lies in perfecting an online business plan. The World Wide Web is acknowledged by management gurus to be the market place of the future. In order to conduct e-commerce you need to be able to accept payments virtually and for this you need to set up what is known as an “internet merchant account.” A random search on yahoo or any other search engine will provide you with more that 500,000 options for merchant account establishment; this means that you need to take an informed decision on which merchant account provider will partner you in your business venture.
As a smart and business savvy entrepreneur you must ensure that you tie up with an “ideal” merchant account provider. To achieve this you will need to conduct a survey on what a merchant account provider does, which ones are reliable, and what your needs are.
Before you tie-up with x,y, or z e-commerce merchant account provider seek answers to:
1. As a merchant will I be able to accept payments both online and offline from any global credit or debit card or am I limited to a few like Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.
2. For internet, retail, and phone sale transactions will I need to put in place separate agreements or authorizations and what will the costs for each be. Will one fee cover the whole bouquet of transaction methods?
3. What are the rules and regulations as well as fees applicable for the different types of transactions like internet, in person, telephonic, mail order, and so on?
4. Once the merchant account is set up will I get automatic merchant account processing or is there an activation system?
5. Will the setting up of SSL security systems and secure online payment gateway be my responsibility or that of the merchant account provider? Are there separate costs for this or does the fee cover all relevant costs?
6. What technology will my website or store need? Will the hardware or software needs be taken care of by the merchant account provider or do I have to provide the infrastructure. If I have to do the needful how much will the equipment cost and who is a reliable provider?
When setting up a merchant account for your online business enterprise it is important to get a clear picture of all that is essential. Find out about infrastructure, equipment, costs, range, future problems, expected changes in technology and costs, security concerns , and reliability.
Starting on the right foot will lead to a long and mutually beneficial partnership. A workable partnership entails honesty and no hidden surprises on either side. So, ask all relevant questions first and sign up later only when you are certain your needs and rights are taken care of entirely.
Barry Allen is a freelance writer for, the premier website to find Merchant Account, Offshore Merchant Accounts, Instant Merchant Account, Internet Merchant Account, Merchant Accounts Services and many more.
His article profile can be found at the premier Finance Articles site
Article Source:
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Internet Merchant Account
Raise Credit Score - Avoiding Common Credit Mistakes
By Carrie Reeder
The majority of people with a low credit score have likely misused credit. Understandably, some people develop bad credit because of situations beyond their control. These may include sickness, loss of employment, etc. Fortunately, there are ways to raise your credit score. However, to keep a high credit score, using credit wisely is a must. Here are a few tips to help you maintain a high credit rating.
Limit the Amount of Credit Accounts
If you have too much available credit, the temptation to spend money will arise. To avoid this common problem, avoid opening several lines of credit. If you are a student or have good credit, it is easy to get approved for a major credit card. Although credit card companies will generously extend credit, you do not have to accept their offer.
Closing a credit account may decrease your credit rating. If you are unable to exercise self-control and need to close a few credit accounts, it would be better to cancel the newest credit accounts.
Pay More than the Minimum Payments
Carrying a small revolving credit card balance is not harmful. However, if you use your credit card very regularly, it is essential to payoff the balance periodically. The minimum payments barely reduce the finance fees. Thus, to maintain a low credit card balance and a high credit rating, strive to pay more than the minimum payment.
Avoid Credit Card Cash Advances
Most credit cards offer cash advances. With this option, you may visit an ATM machine and withdraw funds from your credit account. Be aware that credit card companies charge high rates and extra fees for cash advances. In this case, minimum payments may increase until the cash advance funds are repaid.
Make Regular Credit Card Monthly Payments
Try using one of ABC Loan Guide's Recommended Sources For a Free Copy of Your Credit Report.
Skipping a credit card payment has several consequences. Aside from the credit card company reporting late payments to the three credit bureaus, companies also charge late fees and may increase the interest rate by several points. Failure to repay a credit card will result in a snowball effect. When this happens, it becomes impossible to keep up with the payments.
View our recommended online Credit Repair Services. Also, view our recommended sources for Credit Card Debt Help Online.
Article Source:
By Carrie Reeder
The majority of people with a low credit score have likely misused credit. Understandably, some people develop bad credit because of situations beyond their control. These may include sickness, loss of employment, etc. Fortunately, there are ways to raise your credit score. However, to keep a high credit score, using credit wisely is a must. Here are a few tips to help you maintain a high credit rating.
Limit the Amount of Credit Accounts
If you have too much available credit, the temptation to spend money will arise. To avoid this common problem, avoid opening several lines of credit. If you are a student or have good credit, it is easy to get approved for a major credit card. Although credit card companies will generously extend credit, you do not have to accept their offer.
Closing a credit account may decrease your credit rating. If you are unable to exercise self-control and need to close a few credit accounts, it would be better to cancel the newest credit accounts.
Pay More than the Minimum Payments
Carrying a small revolving credit card balance is not harmful. However, if you use your credit card very regularly, it is essential to payoff the balance periodically. The minimum payments barely reduce the finance fees. Thus, to maintain a low credit card balance and a high credit rating, strive to pay more than the minimum payment.
Avoid Credit Card Cash Advances
Most credit cards offer cash advances. With this option, you may visit an ATM machine and withdraw funds from your credit account. Be aware that credit card companies charge high rates and extra fees for cash advances. In this case, minimum payments may increase until the cash advance funds are repaid.
Make Regular Credit Card Monthly Payments
Try using one of ABC Loan Guide's Recommended Sources For a Free Copy of Your Credit Report.
Skipping a credit card payment has several consequences. Aside from the credit card company reporting late payments to the three credit bureaus, companies also charge late fees and may increase the interest rate by several points. Failure to repay a credit card will result in a snowball effect. When this happens, it becomes impossible to keep up with the payments.
View our recommended online Credit Repair Services. Also, view our recommended sources for Credit Card Debt Help Online.
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Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Internet Merchant Account
The Facts About Internet Merchant Accounts
By Mark Woodcock
If you own and operate an online business, then you realize
that without giving your customers the ability to pay for your
merchandise with their credit cards you are not likely to make
much money. Online shopping practically depends on credit card
transactions. Online shopping has never been more prevalent
than it is right now, and the vast majority of online customers
prefer to pay for their goods with their credit cards. That is
why you need to consider opening an Internet merchant account.
By doing so, you will be able to provide a quick and convenient
payment method for your customers, as well as provide your
business the opportunity to expand tremendously.
An Internet merchant account is set up an online merchant
account provider for an online business in order to accept
credit cards as payment from customers. The account provider
works to authorize credit card purchases and makes sure that
the funds are deposited into your business bank account.
Traditionally, merchant accounts were not offered by banks to
online business owners. But, with the increase in online
shopping in recent years, there are a number of Internet
merchant account providers turning up that offer services
specifically to those business owners that market their
products online. Banks still typically do not offer online
merchant accounts, out of fear of credit card fraud. When you
decide to search for an Internet merchant account, since there
are so many providers out there, it is important that you
research all of the factors involved with Internet merchant
accounts, particularly the fees and services, so that your
profits stay with you and your business continues to grow.
There are many potential costs associated with opening and
keeping a merchant account. Not all Internet merchant account
providers will charge these fees. These fees include the
application fee, which is incurred by the provider to cover
application processing costs, no matter if you open a merchant
account or not. Some Internet merchant account providers will
waive the fee if you do open an account with them. And some
merchant account providers don't even charge this fee. Often,
an annual fee is charged on an Internet merchant account as
well. Providers charge this fee for no other reason than for
having an open account with them. There is the statement fee, a
monthly charge that can be as much as $25 per month, which is
imposed to cover the account provider's own costs. Another type
of fee, the discount rate, is deducted from each and every one
of your sales, usually between 2 and 4 percent. The fixed
transaction fee, like the discount fee, is based on each sale,
but is a static amount regardless of the cost of the
merchandise bought, usually .20-.30. There are also various
miscellaneous fees that are levied on your account, including a
termination fee, which is charged if you cancel your account
before the contract is up. Further, there are even charges that
are withdrawn if a customer requests a refund, with the purchase
amount credited back to their credit card.
Obviously, there are many potential hefty costs associated with
an Internet merchant account, and it can take your profits away
from you. It is important that you assess different the
Internet merchant account providers and the fees that they will
charge so that you don't lose money unnecessarily. One way to do
this is by using your current sales data to estimate the costs
of your Internet merchant account.
With an Internet merchant account, payment processing usually
comes in the form of real-time processing. Real-time processing
is ideal for online merchants because the credit card is
directly processed at the time an order is placed. The customer
quickly receives an email notification that the order is
accepted and the fund transfer is approved, once verification
and approval of the credit card is received. There is usually a
slight delay of a few days before the funds will be deposited
into your bank account.
Ideally, you will want to have a sustaining business
relationship with your Internet merchant account provider.
There should be no doubt in the trust or confidence you have in
your provider. In addition to speedy processing of your credit
card sales, your Internet merchant account provider should
offer other services that will allow all of your business
transactions to run smoothly. They should accommodate several
brands of credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American
Express, etc.), as well as providing additional payment
alternatives, like PayPal. They should have a clean record of
good service and consistency. And they should be superlative in
providing you customer service. All issues or problems should be
handled tactfully and quickly. Because of the apparent necessity
of having an Internet merchant account, the provider you choose
can make or break your business with fees and service. It is
critical to know the facts about Internet merchant accounts and
their providers so that your business continues to thrive.
About the Author: Mark is a director of 3 Internet Companies,
is a published author and has written many articles on a
widespread number of topics. All his articles may be reproduced
provided that an active link is included to
By Mark Woodcock
If you own and operate an online business, then you realize
that without giving your customers the ability to pay for your
merchandise with their credit cards you are not likely to make
much money. Online shopping practically depends on credit card
transactions. Online shopping has never been more prevalent
than it is right now, and the vast majority of online customers
prefer to pay for their goods with their credit cards. That is
why you need to consider opening an Internet merchant account.
By doing so, you will be able to provide a quick and convenient
payment method for your customers, as well as provide your
business the opportunity to expand tremendously.
An Internet merchant account is set up an online merchant
account provider for an online business in order to accept
credit cards as payment from customers. The account provider
works to authorize credit card purchases and makes sure that
the funds are deposited into your business bank account.
Traditionally, merchant accounts were not offered by banks to
online business owners. But, with the increase in online
shopping in recent years, there are a number of Internet
merchant account providers turning up that offer services
specifically to those business owners that market their
products online. Banks still typically do not offer online
merchant accounts, out of fear of credit card fraud. When you
decide to search for an Internet merchant account, since there
are so many providers out there, it is important that you
research all of the factors involved with Internet merchant
accounts, particularly the fees and services, so that your
profits stay with you and your business continues to grow.
There are many potential costs associated with opening and
keeping a merchant account. Not all Internet merchant account
providers will charge these fees. These fees include the
application fee, which is incurred by the provider to cover
application processing costs, no matter if you open a merchant
account or not. Some Internet merchant account providers will
waive the fee if you do open an account with them. And some
merchant account providers don't even charge this fee. Often,
an annual fee is charged on an Internet merchant account as
well. Providers charge this fee for no other reason than for
having an open account with them. There is the statement fee, a
monthly charge that can be as much as $25 per month, which is
imposed to cover the account provider's own costs. Another type
of fee, the discount rate, is deducted from each and every one
of your sales, usually between 2 and 4 percent. The fixed
transaction fee, like the discount fee, is based on each sale,
but is a static amount regardless of the cost of the
merchandise bought, usually .20-.30. There are also various
miscellaneous fees that are levied on your account, including a
termination fee, which is charged if you cancel your account
before the contract is up. Further, there are even charges that
are withdrawn if a customer requests a refund, with the purchase
amount credited back to their credit card.
Obviously, there are many potential hefty costs associated with
an Internet merchant account, and it can take your profits away
from you. It is important that you assess different the
Internet merchant account providers and the fees that they will
charge so that you don't lose money unnecessarily. One way to do
this is by using your current sales data to estimate the costs
of your Internet merchant account.
With an Internet merchant account, payment processing usually
comes in the form of real-time processing. Real-time processing
is ideal for online merchants because the credit card is
directly processed at the time an order is placed. The customer
quickly receives an email notification that the order is
accepted and the fund transfer is approved, once verification
and approval of the credit card is received. There is usually a
slight delay of a few days before the funds will be deposited
into your bank account.
Ideally, you will want to have a sustaining business
relationship with your Internet merchant account provider.
There should be no doubt in the trust or confidence you have in
your provider. In addition to speedy processing of your credit
card sales, your Internet merchant account provider should
offer other services that will allow all of your business
transactions to run smoothly. They should accommodate several
brands of credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American
Express, etc.), as well as providing additional payment
alternatives, like PayPal. They should have a clean record of
good service and consistency. And they should be superlative in
providing you customer service. All issues or problems should be
handled tactfully and quickly. Because of the apparent necessity
of having an Internet merchant account, the provider you choose
can make or break your business with fees and service. It is
critical to know the facts about Internet merchant accounts and
their providers so that your business continues to thrive.
About the Author: Mark is a director of 3 Internet Companies,
is a published author and has written many articles on a
widespread number of topics. All his articles may be reproduced
provided that an active link is included to
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